19 NOVEMBER 1881, Page 2

The Egyptian Government has published a despatch addressed to it

on November 4th by Lord Granville. In this. document, the Foreign Secretary disclaims any design on Egypt, except to promote the prosperity of the country ; denies. that Rita Pasha was specially supported by England; affirms that the tie uniting Egypt to the Porte is " the best safeguard against foreign intervention ;" mentions that "any design, of aggrandisement on the part either of England or France must of its very nature destroy their useful co-operation;" and declares that only an outbreak of anarchy in Egypt could induce England to depart from the policy described. The despatch is excellent, as far as it goes, but it does not cover much ground, and it will encourage the Sultan in his projects of interference. Lord Granville does not say whether, if Tewfik suspended the service of the Debt, as he would do, if let alone, he should regard that act as a proof of anarchy ; whether he should permit the Sultan to gar- rison Egypt, as he will try to do, if Mecca gives trouble ; or whether he regards the independence of Egypt, as against any European Power, essential to Great Britain. Lord Granville would say, very justly, that it is unwise to allude prematurely to such contingencies ; but then, as those are the contingencies of importance, such reticence tends to diminish the interest of the despatch. It is, probably, written to deprive. Aehmet el Arabi and the Sultan of the. power of saying that England maintains the Control for ambitious. reasons ; but the faith of Arabs and Turka desPntches is a very limited quantity.