19 NOVEMBER 1887, Page 25

Sudden Death ; or, My Lady the Wolf. By Britiffe

Skottewe. (Swan Sonneueschein and Co.)—As one might guess from the title, this is a story of many murders. The doer of them goes about, now in her natural character of woman, now disguised as a man, and does her bloody work. She avenges her wrongs, gratifies her cupidity, and even tries to help herself in her love, by the aid of her three.edged dagger. It is a horrible story, but told with some power. The end is certainly well conceived and well written. One feels, what might have been thought impossible, an emotion of pity for this bloodthirsty creature. This is a kind of fiction not at all to our taste, but it would be unfair to deny that it is good in its way.