19 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 1


THE political crisis has absorbed the attention of the • ..1- nation daring the week. In the House of Commons on Friday Mr. Asquith made his promised announcement in

• regard to the date of the Dissolution. It will take place on Monday, November 28th. He further stated that the Budget ' will be proceeded with under a Procedure Resolution, pre- sumably a euphemism for the " guillotine." At a later date Parliament would be given an opportunity to discuss the whole financial policy of the Government. Nothing appears to have been said in regard to guarantees. Mr. Asquith

• further stated that next year a Bill for the Payment of Members will be introduced. We have pointed out in our first leading article the way in which we hold that the House of Lords should meet the crisis and the effort which is being made to force single-Chamber government on the country. The House of Lords should not attempt to amend the Veto Bill, but should pass it with the addition of a Referendum clause under which the Bill would not come into operation until it had been submitted to a poll of the people and they had decided whether they desire or do not desire single-Chamber government. We give in detail the necessary clause and schedule for putting the Referendum into operation.