19 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 2

The first of Lord Rosebery 's Resolutions, which reads as

follows, was discussed in the House of Lords on Thursday:— "That in future the House of Lords shall consist of Lords of Parliament: (a) chosen by the whole body of hereditary Peers from among themselves and by nomination by the Crown ; (b) sitting by virtue of offices and of qualifications held by them ; (e) chosen from outside." In introducing it, Lord Rosebery said that one objection that had been raised was that the Resolutions did not embody a plan. He quoted Mr. Gladstone to show that it was never necessary, or even possible, for an Opposition to produce a detailed seheme of reform. At the same time, his Resolutions were not so unpractical as to prevent the production of a definite plan at the proper moment. Lord Rosebery concluded by saying that he thought there could be scarcely any difference of opinion as to the necessity for reforming the House, and none at all as to the choice between reform and "the intolerable tyranny of a Single Chamber." A discussion followed, in the course of which Lord Lansdowne suggested that the reformed House might consist one half of hereditary Peers, either qualified or elected by their fellows, and the other half of men chosen from outside, either by nomination or some form of election. The Resolution was ultimately agreed to The Lords have done the right thing in thus showing that it is not they but the Commons who are afraid to deal with the question of House of Lords reform.