19 NOVEMBER 1910, Page 3

Following his own example of last year, Mr. Churchill issued

the first election Manifesto in Tuesday's papers. This document starts with the assumption that " the failure of the Conference leaves us confronted with the absolute veto of the House of Lords." The Conservative Party "refuse equal rights to their fellow-citizens," and " this must end, it must end finally, and .it must end now." There is "scarcely a single considerable political question upon which we should be allowed to legislate There is no path to progress, however hopeful, that is not barred, no Liberal majority, however large, that is not overridden, no House of ,Commons, however newly elected, that exists except on sufferance. All roads lead to Veto. At the end of every legislative avenue loom the portals of Lansdowne House. We cannot get forward. We have nowhere to turn, but to the nation." We do not think we are misinterpreting their feelings when we say thattnany moderate Liberals deprecate the exaggeration of this language, and regret the " previousness " with which Mr. Churchill, not for the first time, has stolen a march on his colleagues and the Premier.