19 NOVEMBER 1921, Page 25

The British Year Book of International Law, 1921-22. (H. Frowde

and Hodder & Stoughton. 168. net.)—This is the second yearly issue of a publication which affords international lawyers the opportunity of discussing current problems. It is now affiliated to the British Institute of International Affairs. Sir H. Erle Richards deals with " The Jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice," Mr. Norman Bentinck writes on " Mandated Territories : Palestine and Mesopotamia," and Dr. Baty deals generally with " Protectorates and Mandates." Mr. Arnold D. McNair considers a burning qv estion—affecting Anatolia, Mexico, Russia and other coun- tries—in his paper on " Judicial Recognition of States and Governments," and Professor Borel has a paper on " Freedom of Navigation on the Rhine." The year book is distinctly valuable and deserves support.