19 NOVEMBER 1921, Page 3

In view of the importance of utilizing our coal supplies

to the best advantage, we may draw attention to a report br Sir Percy Girouard, in the current issue of the /roe and Coat Trades Reriew, on the working of Messrs. Close Brothers' low-' temperature carbonization plant at Barnsley. Sir Percy Girouard, as an engineer and an administrator, is well qualified to pronounce an opinion. He admits, too, that at the outset, ho was prejudiced against " coalite," through what he had heard of the misfortunes of the original companies. Yet, after studying the process for several months, he has come to the conclusion that the new industry " would appear to be one of paramount national importance." A cheap and smokeless standard fuel can, he says, be manufactured out of refuse coal, while the by-products---gas, tar and benzol—aro valuable.