19 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 33

THE STUDY OF LOCAL HISTORY. By Hubert Ord. (Blackheath Press.

6d.)-Mr. Ord's interesting pamphlet gives a concise account of the Greenwich Antiquarian Society to show what can be done by concerted effort for the study of local history. The Society is, of course, fortunate in that Greenwich, Deptford, and Blackheath have figured in many episodes of national history through the ages, and its members have done good work in transcribing part of the parish registers and local references in the subsidy rolls, in excavating for Roman remains near the line of the Roman road, and in other fields of inquiry. In this ancient land there is always much to be discovered by intelligent and well-directed local research, and the Historical Association has taken pains in recent years to encourage all local societies such as that over which Mr. Ord presides.