19 NOVEMBER 1937, Page 3

Air Defence Delay Sir Samuel Hoare and his Under-Secretary were

not convincing, in the House of Commons debate this week, in their attempt to refute the charge of dangerous delay in the presentation of an adequate air raid precautions plan. Two years have passed since the question was first raised, and only now is the allocation of costs being determined and the first semblance of practical measures appearing. Other countries are far ahead of us in the measures which they have taken, and Lord Baldwin's ominous remark that democracies always lag two years behind dictatorships is irresistibly recalled. It is true that there are now 20,000,000 gas masks available, but it is pertinent to ask why 6o,000,000 were not available twelve months ago. When the present Bill is passed and the financial controversy finally disposed of more rapid progress may be hoped for..