19 NOVEMBER 1954, Page 6

The Sack of the White House Lord Montgomery told an

audience in Buffalo on MondaY, that his own regiment beat your fellows' in the War 01 Independence, and ' even burnt down the White House.' The Field-Marshal's regiment (to which, oddly enough, his entry' in Who's Who makes no reference) was the Royal Warwicks. In 1814 they were, I think, in the Peninsula and had nothing to do with burning the White House. This was almost certainly carried out by the Royal Scots Fusiliers, after their ollicel had eaten the dinner with which President Madison had hoped . to regale his victorious commanders. The sack of public, buildings and property in Washington was carried out oe orders, in retaliation for similar acts by the American force in Newa'rk and New YOrk. The British are said to have respected private property, but nevertheless somehow managed .to suffer a fair number of .casualties owing to poisoning ' American whisky.