19 NOVEMBER 1954, Page 70


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Two prizes are awarded each ;leek - a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Cen- tury Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. These will be awarded to the senders o/ the first two correct solutions opened alter noon on Tuesday week, November 30, and addressed: Crossword 809, 99 Gower St., London, W.C.I. Solution must be on the form here printed.7 he solution and the names of the winners will be published In the following Issue.

1 Fifty-six in a tin for reform ng (6). 4 Wordsworth's antidote for that forlorn feeling (8). 9 Two short boys for sacrifice (6).

10 These are Clan Alpine's true' (Scott) (8). 12 What a game it is when the middle of the road's tenanted ! (8). 13 Clare and as identified once in Rome (6). 15 Returned manuscript and he's torn it (4). 16 It contradicts the dictum that ' you can't have it both ways' (10). 19 A dabster-teaching history perhaps (4-6).

20 Inclination of the grass (4). 23 , and black, and pale, and hectic red' (Shelley) (6). 25 Ideals as revised (8). 27 They're so sketchy (8). 28 Just the writer for the lending library (6). 29 Tresses curled with a penny (8). 30 Not to say the port is harsh (6).

DOWN: .1 Green-hearted lettuce (7). 2 Mrs. Caudle seems to have been one of these (9). 3 1 ascend on a sibilant (6). 5 The year's at the spring, so to speak (4). 6 Location of Rodin when suitably divided (8). 7 One requires little science to make it (5). 8 Chapel in which Wilde heard the Dies Irae sung (7). 11 Harmonious result of the ATS invading the USSR (7). 14 The finish of the finish seems to be Latin (7). 17 Where Time presides as a weather-vane (9). 18 I head the rabble in the distance (8). 19 Of which craft on a regular route might be made (7). 21 Does it turn to dew '1 Yes (7). 22 It's a matter of taste (6). 24 'Pale hands, pink-tipped like buds' (Hope) (5). 26 Which way did Drake go ? (4).

The solution will be published on December 3

The winners of Spectator Crossword No. 807 me as follows: First prize to Miss R. M. KerTLEWELL, 2 St. Michael's' Vicarage, Sittingbourne, Kent, and second prize to MRs. L. NicnOLL, Hindley House, Stocksfield. Northumberland.