19 OCTOBER 1839, Page 5

Helen Macdonald, nurse-maid ii . the family of the Reverend


Thomson of Shettleston, near Cie lies been centraitted to Glasgow Gaol, charged with the murder of be: own child, nineteen months old. She had had twins, by a man who abt.eonled : one of the children died when an infant, the other was kept byte women of the village, while Helen Macdonald was in service. On Monday week, she sent for the child to the manse, and then deliberately poisoned it with oxalic acid, which she had bought for the purpese three days before. She is only twenty, of a mild and prepossessing al•peae.,nce her motive for the clime is supposed to have been a &e:i to escape from the burden of supporting the child.