19 OCTOBER 1844, Page 14


A CURRENT and not incredible report in Paris, just now, attributes. to M. TRIERS an avowal or boast, which does not reflect a very favourable light on his character as a statesman. It is in effect, that having now got his History. of NAPOLEON off his hands, he will return to politics, and unseat M. GUIZOT in six months. This is like a schoolboy who having finished his theme bounds off to play, and in the wantonness of his joy can find amusement in no- thing but mischief and destruction. M. TRIERS can devise no better way of spending his holyday than knocking down the Peace Minister, at the risk of plunging his country and all Europe in war. Is there no schoolmaster in France to set down this mischievous, urchin to another theme ? Surely, more histories remain to be. written. Is there not that of Cardinal RETZ ?—a politician as restless and reckless as M. TRIERS, and as uniformly baffled as it is to be hoped his antitype will find himself.