19 OCTOBER 1844, Page 2

Queen ISABELLA of Spain has celebrated her fourteenth birthday by

opening the Cortes. The notable point in her speech is the announcement of some measure of " constitutional reform" con- templated by her Ministers ; and construed by others to mean arbi- trary measures to curtail the liberties of the people. From the passive conduct of the Spanish people, it looks as if "the masses" really did not understand anything about that political liberty which is supposed to be in jeopardy. If so, the abridgment of theoretical rights, under whatever pretext, is the less to be re- gretted. Quiet as the people may now be, however, the attempt to promote a reaction of despotism cannot but provoke, sooner or later, a counter-reaction and more dangerous revolutions. Whether for better or worse, constitutional-law-tinkering is not what Spain wants, but statesmen honest and vigorous, and repose under just administration. All tampering with law is but keeping open the sore of the unsettled constitution ; which cannot be consolidated on parchment, but only in the confirmed habits of the people.