19 OCTOBER 1850, Page 1

The Elector of Hesse-Cassel has come to a stand, and

wavers. Rumours of his having abdicated probably shadow forth a turn which his counsels had recently taken, but they seem to be at least premature; for instead of changing himself—which would be the best plan—he now talks of doing no more than changing his Mi- nistry. To that end, he has " sent for" certain gentlemen of the Constitutional party,' and has been listening to lectures on the sound policy of constitutional practices. We have little hope, in- deed, that the Elector will get rid of his headlong puerile Absolu- tism—he was "born so" ; but he may have learned that the in- dulgenee of his boyish passion is not so safe as it once was.

In France, except the pleasant accounts of improved public re- venue, the news sinks to the level of gossip. The advance of the revenue, indeed, is marked : the increase in 1849 over 1848 was 42 millions of francs ; in 1850 there is a further increase over 1849 of 28 millions; tho gross amount this year being 537 millions of francs. These figures confirm the assurances that industry is in a much sounder condition. , The mere duratibn of quiescence would coutribute-te that improvement, even without 'security for genuine

peded. . . We do not suppose that quiet will be disturbed by the junction of "King Charles the Fifth" of Spain and' "King Henry the Fifth" of France, although the Comte de Chambord as entertaining the -Conde di Montemolin as a visitor. A much more menacing sign for France is the dissension between the President, who per- severes -with his champagne and sausage donatives, and General Changarnier, the Permanent Committee of the Assembly, and the Ministry on trivialities like the shouts of the soldiers at a review. After censuring the Ministry for suffering cries of "Vivo l'Em- pereiw " the Committee is said to have repented ; alarmed, pro- bably, at the whispers of genuine Republicanism astir. The true safety of the Government lies in the want of effective leaders for the people in Paris. But less attention is engaged by the affairs of state than by cer- tain romantic disclosures from M,. Tirel, intetadant of Louis Phi- line's coaches; who asertles the *most luxury of ourrionlar ges- tation to the members of tile Provisional Govemment. We know that similar tales have bees exploded, and tie, present bears every mark of being a manufacture; to say nothing of the explicit and complete contradiction which M. Goudchaux makes on his own behalf.

Oh! for a man in Paris, with earnestness enough to seize hold of some political truth, and act upon it!