19 OCTOBER 1850, Page 20


_Memories of the Trebles in Scotland and in England, A.D. 1624- A.D. 1645. By John Spalding. In two volumes. Volume I.

The South of Ireland in 1850; being the Journal of a Tour in Leinster and Munster. By Archibald G. Stark. With numerous Illustrations, by M. Angelo Hayes.

Commercial Law' its Principles and Administration, &c. By Leone Levi. VolumeL

Villa Verocchio, or the Youth of _Leonardo da Vinci ; a Tale. By the late Diana Louisa Macdonald.

fThis tale belongs to the class of what is called "art novels" ; in which the hero's struggles in art are engrafted upon some romantic incident, real or fictitious, so that artistical criticism and knowledge are added to the usual interest of a story. Villa Verocchio has for its subject the youthful feelings and career and the boyish love of Leonardo da Vinci. The tale is well con- trived and prettily told ; art intermingling with the narrative, but not over- laying it; and glimpses being presented of Florence and the Medici, but kept subordinate to the main design. The tale itself is simple. Verocchio the artist, and Pietro da Vinci the father of Leonardo, are country neigh- bours, but not friends ; for old Da Vinci is narrowminded and sordid, Verocchio reserved and ambitious. Angela, the little daughter of the artist, and the boy Leonardo, become friends, and a childish attachment ensues, which hardly reaches to passion ; for when Leonardo goes to Florence as a pupil of Verocchio, and Angela is placed in a convent for her education and to break off the attachment to Leonardo, her delicacy of constitution cannot bear the reserve and confinement, she sickens, and eventually dies. With this tale of the affections are mingled the early indications of Leo- nardo's genius, its gradual development in Veroechio's academy, its first fruits, and the patronage of the Medici,—all told with a taste and tenderness that might have led to high excellence, had the life of the authoress been spared.] Memorials of Theophiles Trinal, Student. By Thomas T. Lynch. [This is one of those volumes that occasionally appear, in which the aspirant seems to imagine that fragments of prose and snatches of verse may be en- dowed with a unity and interest which they do not in themselves possess, by setting them in a framework. It is a mistaken notion, though one pretty widely entertained. If the thought or meditation, or the poem, is not striking and attractive in itself, it will not be made so by being encumbered with an introduction ; for even if the story contrived to introduce the mis- cellanies should have an interest, it will rather be marred than helped by the artificial insertion of the pieces. Memorials of Theophilus Trine' is not a suc- cessful exception to the rule : in fact, as far as the framework is concerned, it is crude ; the prose thoughts and the verses argue ability, but immature; more cultivation and more experience are required. The book is rather the result of closet meditation or reverie than the employment of the faculties on living matters.] A Short and Simple History of England. By the Reverend B. G. Johns, Head Master of the Grammar School, Dulwich College. (Dar- ton's School Library.)

[The object of this little book is not to give a detailed narrative of the occur- rences of each reign, or even of particular incidents, but "to present in the account of each reign some one picture of the times, or some one remarkable event, which in the child's mind may remain as a definite mark of a par- ticular age, or as clearly showing the character of the sovereign, without


encumbering his memory with long wearisome descriptions." It s written in a plain and simple manner, and accompanied by a map of England.]

The Elements of Geography. On a new plan. (Darton's School Li- brary.) [A clear account of the elements of geography, with the leading features of particular countries, both as regards physical geography and statistics or economics.] _Dictionary of Derivations ; or an Introduction to Etymology, on a new plan. By Robert Sullivan, LL.D., &c. [Upwards of "nine hundred Latin and Greek roots, with copious annota- tions and exercises," have been added to the present edition.] The Colonial Intelligencer ; or Aborigines' Friend. 1849-1850. Vo- lume IL

[A collection into a volume of the monthly numbers of a periodical addressing Itself to Colonial affairs in reference to the Aborigines.]

A Series of Texts; arranged for the uso of Christians, &c. By a Lady. Edited by the Reverend William Sinclair, Perpetual Curate of St. George's, Leeds. [A selection of passages from Scripture, classed under particular heads to which the compiler considers the text especially to apply,—as pardon and sanctification, peace, humility, obedience, bereavement]

Evening _Meditations for Children for a Week. For. W. C. P. Melo [A set of short prayers or meditations, frequently written in the first person so as to seem to emanate from the child or person using them.]


Knight's _Pictorial Sltakspere. Part L

is a revised edition of Charles Knight's magnum opus, with some changes, of which not the least acceptable will be the price. The notes, the illustrations, and the plates, will be embraced in this edition ; the more ela- borate critical notices have alreadE appeared in a,separate volume under the title "Studies of Shakspeie.'" The present wOrkuvrfil`not be printed ia double columns, but in a "clear and beautiful type extending across the page." Each part will contain a play, notes, illustrations, cute, and all for a ling ; but as the Poems and an index are to be included, the entire work will extend to forty parts.]


Opus Operandum. By the Reverend George Heaton, M.A. University _Reform. A Letter to the Right Honourable Lord John Rus- sell, M.P., dtc. By Edward Arthur Litton, M.A.

An Introductory Address delivered at the London Hospital Medical School, at the Opening of the Session 1850-51. By Nathaniel Ward, F.R.C.S.E., Bre.

Correspondence on the contemplated Improvement of Widening the North End of Chancery Lane. Compiled by John Robert Taylor.


Two compositions have just appeared, by M. Silas, a very young man who gained some reputation in our musical circles during his visit to this country last season. One of them, a sacred song for a single voice, "0 salutarts hostia," labours under the disadvantage of calling to remembrance Cheru- bini's exquisitely simple and beautiful melody, which is indelibly associated with the words of the fine monkish hymn. Mr. Silas' s music, in the Ger- man style depends more upon harmony and modulation ; but its character is grave andh religious; and a good mezzo-soprano or baritone voice, capable of holding firmly its long sostenuto notes, may make it very effective. The other piece, a solo for the violoncello with a pianoforte accompaniment, ent, will be a bonne bouche for the amateurs; for, though it is difficult, it is not ex- travagantly so, and we have many gentlemen players capable of executing it very respectably. "By the lone beach" is a simple and pleasing ballad, by "Walter May- nard"—the pseudonyme of the son of an eminent music-publisher; a young man of promising talent, whose compositions in this style have lately gained considerable popularity and become noticeable features of our concerts.