19 OCTOBER 1861, Page 11



THERE has been less demand in the Money Market this week, while the supply of capital is larger, from the payment of the dividends. In the general Discount Market the rate has fallen to. 3 per cent., and at the Bank there has been a very moderate business done. On the Stock Exchange loans on Government securities are readily obtained as low as 2 per cent. Consols have been flat this week, but rallied from the lowest prices touched. The quotation for Money was at one period 92k 934

the final transactions this evening were at 924 92f for immediate deli- very, and 920 923- for the Account. There is still a diposition to press sales, both speculative and bond fide, and the market consequently presents an unfavourable appearance. India Five per Cents continue in favour, and this afternoon advanced to 1044, buyers. In Foreign Stocks there have been few changes, the principal fluctuations being in Mexican. Compared with last Friday a slight advance has taken place, the present quotation being 26. Turkish Six per Cents have also unproved. There has likewise been rather a better demand for Russian and Spanish Stocks.

Railway Stocks have been rather inactive, the traffic returns being watched with some anxiety. South-Eastern has been dull, while Midland and Lancashire and Yorkshire have improved. Caledonian and Great Northern at one time experienced a considerable advance, but have latterly been. less firm. Business in this department Q011- times unusually Limited. In colonial descriptions Indian Guaranteed Stocks have been firmer. Foreign railways have also shown an upward tendency, Great Lux- embourg shares being especially buoyant. American Securities are also higher.

In the Miscellaneous Market, London and Westminster Bank Bank of London, and Red Sea Telegraph shares have been in demand and at an advance.

The imports of specie this week comprise the Linoolnshire with 207,000/. from Australia; the Atrato from, the West Indies with 185,5001; the Athenian. from the West Coast of Africa with 13,5001., and some small sums from the Continent. The exports have been 56,200/. to New York; 6500/. to the West Indies, and some moderate amounts of gold to France.