19 OCTOBER 1912, Page 3

We are glad to be able to record that Mr.

Bonar Law, in winding up the debate, said almost exactly what we said last week in regard to Unionist policy in Ireland should Home Rule ever be passed. We may quote his actual words :- " So long as Ireland was a part of the United Kingdom in every respect that Middlesex was they would treat her in the same way ; but the moment that Ireland chose to set herself up as practically an independent kingdom or colony, that moment, not in any spirit of revenge, but simply on the principle that their first duty was to their own people, they would put them first, and money would be spent in Ireland afterwards.

He thought it would be well that the people of Ireland should understand that that would be the attitude, not only of the party -which he represented, but if that change had actually taken place he believed hon. gentlemen opposite would be influenced by the opinion of their own constituents, and except to the extent of the power of the forty members who were still left would act precisely as he said the Opposition would act."