19 OCTOBER 1929, Page 14

Country Life


One effect of the wise activities of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England, who have had a most success= ful meeting at Manchester, is the formation of County Pre- servation Societies. One of these is calling especially for com- pulsory planning of the "North Orbital Road." The ideal they are aiming at is the purchase of land by a public authority on either side of the road, and the building of what may be called, for want of a better phrase, " garden cities ". at convenient spots. It is, perhaps, a sign of the advance in the subject of rural planning that a number of new words and phrases have Come into common use. " Zoning," " nodal points," "satel- lite towns," " orbital roads," were freely sprinkled about during the debate and appeared in the motions. And since the first necessity for the success of the movement depends on popular support, it might be well to explain more fully what such phrases, especially " nodal points," exactly mean. Has garden city " itself a precise definition ?