19 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 1


THE session of Parliament was scarcely brought to a close before the work of political agitation was commenced in the provinces. The recess will not bring repose. From one end of the 'country to the other, the People, if not excited, are watchful and alert. The season liar party dinners and meetings has set in vigorously. O'CONNELL has by this time delivered at least six of his rousing addresses to the Liberals of Manchester, Newcastle, and Edinburgh. Thence he proceeds to Paisley and Glasgow. The Reformers of Belfast and Londonderry will welcome him once more to his native country ; and we may be sure he will not be many days on the other side of the channel before his constituents in Dublin are cheered by his voice of triumph. In the mean while, his speeches will be circulated in cheap editions by the hundred thousand, and will help to prepare the masses for the in- evitable reform of the House of Lords. In other parts of the country, in Taunttin and in Rochester for instance, the Re- farmers have been eager to show their gratitude to the faithful advocates of Liberal opinions in Parliament; and we expect to see the columns of provincial journals filled with accounts of similar proceedings. On the other hand, the Tories will nut sleep at their posts. They are beaten, and we suspect they know it; but they will (lie hard. The aim of the Tories is to rouse all the bigoted and to terrify all the ignorant and timid in the land into a league against the Ministry, under the pretence that the Church is in danger. With this view they are sendine-the Exeter Hall orators, Mr. M`Gnee, and the Deputy Grand Orange Chaplain, O'Sueuvals, on a CILMMEALAND crusade through the country. There will therefore be no lack of Tory, any more than of Liberal agitation. We by no means regret all this exertion. It is nonsense to talk of the country needing repose: it needs the reform of the Church and of the House of Lords; and until both are purged of base matter, and rendered useful and whole- some, it is culpable to desist from agitation. The Revising Barristers have opened their courts in the city of London, in the county of Middlesex, and elsewhere. As yet, in England, no important results have, been ascer- tained ; but as the proceedings in the Registration Courts will this yearle unusually interesting, we shall keep an eye on them, and report. progress from tune to time. We are glad to see that the Liberals in Edinburgh county have placed a ma- jority of votes on the register; so that Sir- GEORGE CLERK may look .for his dismissal at the next election.