19 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 10


WAR•orvies, Svpir. 18.-7th Itegt. of Dra4. moils —Assist..Sio.g. II. Marshall, front the 87tit Foot, to be A ssist.-Sorg. vice Barry, promoted in the s9i It Foot. ilth fleet. of Light Dragooni--.1. W. Rey toads, Gent. to be Cornet, by tmrchase. vice Darnell, who retires. rot fte,o. or Foot Etisign F. J. Rawlins to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Woollm, who retire.s.; G. F. la ..he. Gent. to he Ensign, hy purchase. Viet, UaWlhIS. FOOI R. Sheau, Coal Ii tuli Fool, to he Sol s.c M 'Minty, appointed to

tho Staff. 8f11 Foot —Lieut. W. I!:ilder to In Capt. w it hi tot pawl, vice Fiirgerahl,

deceased. I ft 11 Foot E. 11.1ientlys. h0111 half p-y l'eallachtsl, to be Capt.

vice J. II. Creagh. sshu.0 exchanges. 20t Ii Foot Lieut. l Moho front the 5711, Foot,

to be Lieut vice h: tog, who exchange:. 23: It Foot -Lieni..1. Now tail, from the 84th Foot, to be Lieut. sive Tlionnisom mho exchiorzes. Foot -Lion. It, W. Byron in La Capt. by purchase, vice ‘'andelettr. lio retires; Ett•■gti 11..1. Hutton to be Lieut. 17 mocha IS, ; Ensign J. Macdonald, front I ..15th 1,004 10 be Elpdati. V co Hutton. lOu Foot--Statf Assist..Surg. NV. LI., tl. be Sorg, vf,,,

deceased. 5;11u Foot —Livid, C. King, from the 2011, Foot, to he Lieot. vice Dunbar, who exchanges. 60th Foet --Ensign .1. Braun:to, fonn the 3:1th Foot, to be Quarter.

master, vice .1, tintey, retired upon 11111,pay. tilst —Cap;ain Alexander Grant, front the c ey1011 Itegt. to be c apt. vice NV:111.•! situ, exelt loges. id Foot ,-Capt. J. %V. Cross, from half pay :15tli light .gs. to Capt. vice G. C. t:ontior, who exaha 76th Foot—SIM:I% [tennis. Geol. to Ite.Eesign, by purchase, vice Itelmick, who ret hes. 84th Foot —Lieut. T. 'W. 'r. Thome.,ui i.,. I u. aat Ii Foot, to it, Lela. h.,. NOM LAO, Who exchanges. Kith Foot- --Lieut. T M. NPNeill Hamilton Ili is, Ailjt. %ice Itainsav, mho resigns Hie Adjutancy ■ oily. s lilt Eoot \ ...ist.-Surg. S. Ilarry, born the 7th Dragoon iftlard,, to be Sorg.Si.' Sh1..1.11, :11111Ohli It. ht. 7111 Foot. thttla Foot —

Stalr-Assist,Surg. lt. Datte. "I It. to be Assisi.-Sorg. Foie --H. O. C. Master, Gent, to be Ensign. by pnrch tot', viet.• MI tottahl, appoint...I to the 31111 Foot. Ceylon Regiment —Capt. C. Wallet t, Iron, the 61st Foot, to be rapt vice Grant, ltito exchanges.

Staff—M. Neale, Gent, to be Assist..Swg, to the Forces:, vice Ihyl, pro- moted in the ::Gtli Foot.

Illemorauditin --The appointments of Capt. Itoorko, front the 2.1 West Ityl'a I to the Stlt Foot. told of Lieut. Calder. boat the f'ilt Foot to a Contintily in tile 2%1 West India Begt. on:23th August last, have not tak.lt place.