19 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 11


Tox approach of long evenings and cool weather has given a fillip to the Summer Theatres, which have been languishing during the hot season. The note of preparation, too, which is already sounding for the winter campaign, has put them on the alert. And now that the curtain has fallen on the stage of the great political drama the spec- tator will have eyes more open to their attractions.

THE QUEEN'S. The last novelty at this well-managed, well-filled, mid in justice we must mow add, well-ventilated little theatre, is a romantic drama, of senous interest, in one act, called Zarah. It is written by Mr. SOANE, in a poetic style of diction that is well sustained; and it is cleverly acted and capitally got up under MITCHELL'S direction. Moreover, it has some music of no onlinary merit. The story of the piece is the love of Zarah, a young and handsome Meg Merrilies of a 81Psy gang, for Philip Ormiston, a gay cavalier; and its catastrophe the mu. dew of Zarah by one of the tribe. Mrs. NISBET performs the heroine, Zarah, with spirit, and looks very well in a costume that would be admired at a fancy ball. But clever as Mrs. NtsnEr's melodrarnatk acting undoubtedly is, we prefer her in comedy; and, notwithstanding the complete sticeess of the piece—of which its brevity was HD element—we hope tlw production on this stage of other serious dramas will only be occasional. Mt rettric. hail but little to do beton the scenes, but the way in which he bills, when he is shot, is abut- worth seei ii. 11r. '1'. GREEN, W110 play, Philip Ormislan, mistakt buffoonery for gayety, and a blank look for drollery ; and 7iIr, SELBY the t.,ripsy Oiler, is ultra-melodramatic. I loweVer, the effect is id togethet exectalingly pieturesque. The seetiery by h I Mtn-AHD, especially n. moonlight view in Derbyshire, is really liemitifol. The stage effects the scene of the CM.. tith the 111OFF1,-11.1/111., jut partieular, are as well managed as at the Adelphi.

Toe I lAYMAttli

Has varied its dulness With a ttcw " comedy "--fis it is (Idled by ceurtesy, at Addy') we were tempted to take a retrosimetive glanee the other nieht, as old playgoers venture to see a livw !Iambi, out of a des- perate curiosity to know Nvluat sort of a 111111Ce it AVOIlld be. Tlw " comedy " was ushered in with the etistoinary ceremonial preface of a prologue, which was sareastie on foreign singers and dancers, but considera.elyto erlooked the lack of wit anneig modern dramatists, and of vivavity iii the existieg Flee Of 1.1,1,b011d5 ;1 complicated structure, raised by that expert architect of plays and playloctscs, ; who, it is said, used up

two Freneli threes in its construction ; the iiicidents might nevertheless

have !wen gleaned from !Nett itA Itrtit,h 'Ili. 1110% he moral—for all plays haye a moral /111Wauhav,. Illual■4h, a, it. the present instance, it is arrived at liv some overt acts of immorality—is this, that husbands should not iiitrigue, lest their wives shoold retaliate. Considering of NYitat inatceinls the 1 laytti7trlit t company is composed, Ive are bound to be charitable ; hot whim suet' an actor is I.'A nit Ex is afforded no scope for his talciit, the fault iiitc-t rest with the author. Miss Ewell., as a Frenchwoman, had to speel; idiomatic English with a Freud:

pronunciation interlarded with French phrases, an absurdity that spoiled the effect of her good acting.

THE WINTER. THEATRES, The A delplii opens on the 2t Ii, under the irapa cement of Young AT %To cws—as lie will still by Called until his father's memory shall hove mingled more with the past— VATas living stage-manager at Drury, where Mrs. VATI:s j, ah,o engagcul. With these exceptions, and that of RErvia the Adelphi company will by the same, with the addition of

run among others : all, :d r-. NEELEv finans part of the company.

R taxi: lois grow to .1 merica—but his name will be the only loss : his fit ii wis departed from him—pcople laughed at the reeolleetion of his humour. The last time we saw him at the Queen's he was stupidly drunk ; we really pitied him. !Or lie looked zishamed of him- self. We expi.et to see him again : will be drowned—in brandy arid water. We are glad to hear that " murderous melodramas " are to give place to plays of ?Dore phea,aIli and lively interest at the Adelphi. .131TEsTrtNE, a, IlereforOre, will hue the prinripal playwright. MATHEWS'S talents as ;t dramatist Vill ASO Ins inlisted in the service of the theatre. Ile is the author of one of the new pieces to he produced 011 the operuitio night, MO BUCNSTONE of the other. RUNS still retains Flrurry, which is to open, it is said, at the end of the month. AlArtlEa DV, F.VIIIES, :Ina IL Pintail's, arc engaged— signs of tragedy, comedy, and opera ; while YATES, ',clog- stage- manager, is goarnoutee for spectacle. Covent Garden is still Imlet, but negotiations are pending, ; part of the terms being reuilleed rent and prices of admission. VESTRIs has called a muster of her ()lymphr corps, previous to com- mencing operations on the .14th.