19 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 13


TILE only public man of the present day who seems endowed with the necessary qualilications for carrying all his wishes into effect, is Loris Plumper:. Intensely selfish, he looks .s Jot to his own interest, and seems reckless of throwing any but a very thin veil over this propensity. But he does not allow it to carry him oil his guard and render him importunate out of season. lie makes it bold and vigorous push for an object when it takes his Ihney; but if he find it fit' the moment impossible of attainment, he desists, and traits patiently till the current of events whirls it within his reach. Not an intimation of reawakened desire escapes him to excite suspicion, till his prey is within latch, and then he grasps it at once like a blacksmith's vice. We could select name illustrations of this part of his di wacter from his biog srphy : the most recent is the fortifying of Paris. Some years ago Louts Pm au, ea got his -!Ifni •t tee; far the time btiag to submit this pnjeet to the (liambers; and im- mediately every thing- that was or called itself Lit:el.:it in France was declaiming open-mouthed against the scheme. Well might they 1 In France, p% 1:1 ical centralization has brought all power to be resident in Paris. From the bureaux in Paris emanates the ap- pointment of every civil and military official throughout the kipg- dam ; and to the bureaux of Paris is rendered a report of every official act throughout the kingdom, tar approval and confirmation Whatever government can establish itself firmly at Pari.:, has all France at its feet. France in this restaeides a grs'at spider's ‘‘,1): the spider at the centre call in a moment :.trek,' his fangs into :my unruly fly that threatens the security of one of his threads. The history of France siece the first outbreak of its great revolution confirms this : (luring the whole of that period France and Paris have been synenymotie teensy, A Fr, nch Gosernment may laugh at popular discontent in any part of its domi- nions except Paris : there it is deadly. I.sers Poo IPPL saw the advantage to himself of permanent !;-arrisoned 1Lrtilie,ti,.t s. not to tierend his capital front foreign hut to defend !rift cli front his too powerful capital ; and the 1,1;.esale of France, Lavin,; nothing else at the 111411Hellt to distract their attention, 5,1w it 110 less clearly. The king 01' time Barrieades was dere:tied in this in • gcnions move towards the establishmetit 01' irresponsible poem. Ile has nut renewed 1h%, ifromssion ranee that tint'. Na.o hoo.a or, that there seems to he a possibility of Frame. being ere Ion,' en- gaged in war, and that a portion of the Frem•h p,Mlie more es- pecially the writers of the journals has been sei;ea oith a milli 1,111111u11%,a, Sifille %VIM' Mall Or 001(1' has SlIri•Stl.'d the 110VCS,;:‘ 01 fOr I II\ itu.; Paris as a mcasuro or pri4•3116,111 1,01 is V1111,11'11: has betrayed no undue eagerness to get this suggoeti acted upon : he allows his Minister,: to carry it into rfli t t. And he IA ill ;UM the present warlike bluster to be kept up until Pasia is fortified ; after • A Govelmasta jaarosi ;11.11 elV :IrglieS, that is OW t,rt,t of It 11,1311 troop:, bring 141111103 ca ngninA tli m Nti-r Iti!ti.11 diri,w1:1,•%. have 1.3%eil Constantinople, by ilivertini; Ile Itns.i::n roller into

which, unless upon some unforeseen contingency, we shall hear of' no more warlike demonstrations on the part of the French Government.

Lours PHIMPrE (hires not allow France to go to war. lie is the King of the peace-loving class—the shop.keeping, National Guard, electoral class. So long as that class is all-powerful, he is secure. But a state of war would call other elements into ploy : the nation would require to be roused en masse by an appeal to it in behalf of " la !Nitric." The innermost depths of French society would be stirred up : old fl: nws would burst forth, and scorch and shrivel the throne of the Citizen King and its occupant to a cinder. Louis PHILIPPE knows this right well; and therefore M. Timuts's flirtations with war will be tolerated no longer than until Paris has been na-titied. Whether the Premier's popularity can stand the shock of the sudden wheel lie will be forced to make, is to the King it matter of perfect indifference : if it do not, be will get a new Minister. And the heroic portion of France will awake out of its dream of laurelled war, and rub its eyes, and see that Cen- tral Government which has eyes and fingers in every bedroom. throughout France, provided with walls, bastions, and cannon, to suppress every motion of time turbulent city of Paris.