19 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 4

On Friday. a .eeting was held at Exeter, at which

the Earl

of fs....en see titer u.• ',ereof Periiameet for the county of Devon and the • _ri ee: present, eel:en a series of resolutions were yeees-e.r.ei ,se ..-eent to adopt the report of the Commis- sion --. • I i i- 1'.h the Government foreign steam-packet

Tt • • • 1iierred shows an immense increase in the

• T • : t,,' I or of names was 9,409 ; this year etee•-•:e emeee. Tilt; increase has been ' 7 oa tile part both of the Re- fer:-



fee - the .

uric'. f• I thiee ee." i r I 1,, -f G Loh Same pers,,ns in . for h.-. : not for the purpo-e ,rson ■• writing to theme.. them • I vane: r flit in thie damp prison, ..1 .cf penny towards the eoe or ! , : end i hope yoo w ill es e al!

-• •• ...•dnoon um; a,tn

they hunt; no-