19 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 5

A correspondent of the slloinieg Chronicle at Hastings says, that

the clergyman of St. Mary's Church in that town refuses to administer the sacrament to those who subscribe to the racing-funds ; the consequence of which has been a considerable falling-MY front the usual amount subscribed, and a dimiaution of the um:touted attraction of the place. , The Earl of Shrewsbury intends building a Boman Catholic at Cheadle, entirely at his own expense. 'flw noble Earl is causing- excavations to be made in the interior of Alton Castle, an ancient ruin, well known to all tourists in Stallbrdshire. Some intteseseitig relieries of bygone days have already been discovered.—Here/no Pest. The Carmarthen Journal complain.: that, in cotkstopeonte of the esta- blishment of a rural police force in Shropshire and tha kojacant connti ss, the number of beggars perambulating the counties of Cardiean awl Car- marthen has perceptibly increased.

On the afternoon o£'l'hugsdav the loth, Captain Ballack, who has been for a long time engaged its endeavouring to fix a sal!':•:v-beacon on the Goodwin Sands, accomplished his laluirious work. The lieacon he has succeeded in erecting consists or a column about t1 kssy: level of the sea ; having (sleets and ropes hlto'hed to r..ar iii its ,ikIes, with holds fin hands and ket. At the summit of the c.elnstn a gallery, of hexagon form, made of trellis-work, end eat:a:eke of Iteehdi:ig twenty persons at one time. Above the gallery. an 1 i:t t eas ie akei en

of the column, is a flagstaff, ten feet km::: tits v' .tirefifty feet in height. The sides of the gailesy are ns to

enable the persons in it to be covereel its with sai1,'Hil, V■111,..11 in and round it, and can be used at pleasure; as al:, over it, which is fixed to the flagstaff ; shits entirely peek•cti•:g :::;n 1111- fortunate mariner who may seek shelter on fin.- colatun front teal and temps-mons weather. A istrrel of fresb water. to..; titer with a iwitrvit bag, enclosing a flag of distress, is ssatisme-1 on the eallery and the words Hoist the flag," painted in the lail.:;1.1.es or all on boards ,tationsal rotund the inner part of t he .kskeilesys el that tha as well as the native Se:111101 may be eintheletl to shwa- a ti,:n.d or dis- tress, anti obtain help from shore, which. is about sevea mike, distant front the beacon.

The Brisad Mirror confirms the discovery of the hotly teethe late Dr. Carpenter, of that (-its-, who fell overboard on a voyage from Naples to Leghorn on the night of April 5th. 't The bobs: was washed ashore between Naples and Civita Vecchia, forty miles 5,S. II, 44' 1Z.line, :1'.ottc the atidelle of June ; and according, to the salia7ory lawsc','ks,e-y, was coosttmed lay tiro. His wateh, seals, and poeho:-h...,:,. kee the person, sufficiently identified him. The Consul id It ,t1.10 - Milted those articles to his agent Lo talon for Ds. Casiesseor's re.....e-