19 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 6

A ion? PtihnIT .

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I conduct towards Lord Cardigan, and to declare his readiness to resume friendly intercourse with Captain Jones. This recommendation Calash; Reynolds obeyed ; but he still refused to shake hands with Captain ! Jones, which would seem to imply a previous quarrel, or to drink wine ! with hint within any spi (Vied time.

After many more details, too tedious to enumerate, the statement goes on tat say-

; Tue.doy the 9th of June, General Sleif2,11 went to Canterbury; hied all the officers of the reghomit brought before him, and, without any inveidi. gation, !Tei to them a latter from hear;-parters, imodeinning tammil !Icy- :Is it was stated _Lord. Hill had it:.teratinet1 it should bet considered as smiled. And, Hi if this was net enough, General tt.;lei.:h obi Captain Rey- ; null- that h., hail feril.ited sympathy. of every ollic..rof rimk in the service. ' nolds's tiondutit in very bolguagt.,,,ppro.dogot. h„,rd cardigan', t h.out;t111.6.- t Ii, ht which would not Inc Cm the good ()I' die service.

(.11; every particular, idfgenttiziog Captain Reynolds's motives as purniviaail nni vim!letive, and refus.o;tt a court-martial, became litany things would be

tor :be nifenci..s witb whielt had now hceii charged. This was also ,ptain Reynolds ti n requed-cd that he might be brought to a court- it,•;•uold, „iyika copie,.., or all the letter. rer,,rred to hi

eilich are not id length ; and was refused timn.

" 2Ire il itr%Q. has sine., appli d to Lord Iliil, in owl( moue, and in that 6F

Captiiin Ilall, the violin.; oencleman's uncle, fur all 111,, documents coo.

I this transa.ition ; mud has been politely

1.in,•,1. of Captain Reynolds is stated to have continued nine days in tic w hole, being one day more Ohm the maximum permitted by the , A rticies of War.

::)art tiow back, an evening, party was given by the Earl of ear. dirul, to which, its usual, f,everal oIlleers of the regiment were invited, Ill tic' c mrse of the evening, a young lady obseri'ed cioually aloud, that she " did not see Captain Reynolds there," or words todmtenflierek.t.

..; ; - oe f.:',.1 of Cardigan, wit .1 happened to be near, hearh oe reia and " Oh, no ; he is not ohe of my visiters." Tlw words were

't ithOUt :112V 111:11i“..a expression, and did not at the lime attract ••=•''" parti,,fiar :;tte't:tiou. They were, however, carried to Captain Rey- , nohla, who, coacel\iug ;hat the pi:lives-1;in was caleulate,t to affect him

• • as a wrote a le't:er to the Earl of Cardigan, to know if the

:•:: r. •.: . , exp rer--hat had been useth and in it sense. 'rids letter remained MI- 31r further slight, was induced to seml a scrend Ito • •i ausve red, hint the consequence was, that Calla:II:I isdinsititgoiNivaictIrt to j letter, couched in terms which could bear no other interpretation than t that or a ellliait2.021!. kid 1...(..eRiWi the E tit' of Cardigtiti tt tttt• t.' his friends, after fairly cousideriog the matter, it t "• ;-1` "1)- \''• •••• tite lett iv,•; with the whole of the eirciau-

a •• sa .

C,1:11I,t!ted With (II::t t, to the consideration of the Colonel of -I 1in 1 ti::hoess Prince Albert. This was accord..

s • ei.idy ua it • the 0.,ts, /hoc:, and the result whs 'Nina might have been expected. The ' • • •'; -•• • :•1•.e:• el; the paper'', Lid them before the ('„:uwander-in- ■ )!*(I7`.',1,1 I,(.ri till'. litr ,fpialon thereon, when it \Vat re=ulvetl by the

;•i•—• .!•;,!) te: ' l•;',...:• let the matter I ::e' fairly lu_•fore the public in the shape of a

• .1 1,i -1c. r!ial, which ^ill very shortly be heist. 111 the mean time, has 1),....:11 under arrest, and a great deal of feelii,. has excited in the reglinant.-13righfori

'1.1.t• -•,•r, • '',1••:.'11 1 • is talien off, ;not the atfair is

I . I tot

All " ,.1 t.. a on Saturday ttfterilooti, on IN'int.

,..1 the t•-•: 1,firil (2:..Tdigan, the Crilottel of tile l'Ileventh

ro..11'1 rc I ucpett, lately of the Suite Mr. i'lLei:ett, it seents, tv11.-, riter of certain letftrif 1111,1i:died 111 the of" An 1,';‘114111111,,,r," reflecting ; on the eorni,iet of Lard .„;.• v,•,11 ti.e consequence.

(1,1 the ;.rune•' the chi, lt••:..•.,r (t:mon...lett till tipithh.n... Lieutenant Teekett would consent to ;::•,.!,,;_i:,,:e it:the ItIlet::„Iiolis ii: ..; letter could ..; lie defied. 1.ord. Chrdigan :;Iii that scone Of Ili: ■:11t.i...1(;)IS Were .,!:,...-; ial-e, but that ()titers were true. Mr. Titekett did hot ■.wt.,;.i this enough: „ tIm ap.)logy was refused, and the affair proceeded. At the seetfild tire, thra v.-as \von:elect under the ribs. '1:11e ball, which had

• ;Is-e:t on towards has been extracted ; and Mr. Ttleltett iS

'-t•t, t• • • • I i L.:.1 of :NIA/nil...3., the Earl of C'ariligtin, find

, I his •eetrial, were taken before the Magistrates at in re, hod bound in their osvti reeo;;niv.ttnees to appear again ou