19 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 6

I 1,.\ The (liff.si. , !t• C. county of in the cr.se

The aggro:wiling great intertst I:1 of Tuesday th.•. for a Colnilig • .:" the object o; (me I • that of another to sei•lire ;'.,•• to whom only to:- o

the relieios .• I

there is a third :•••••:1:.11. to the nitt•titit..,ti.m ■•.' slot. trate."

Sir Er -leri,•!. went t,) ri•I, with S• '., I. .•. Sir Fr.•111.`::,•1■ DaVi■ki■li, EL' Neweas!:e,

to this city, :a. 11 • now in tin r;.:. .

.• Tim tm.rch• ?.

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the NVIItt;lt, during the v•-. k. tire • qttariers t;t: quarter:- or the same 81 1,1 ■.:11t. that of • .• ' 1,s ' I- a :tr.

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