19 SEPTEMBER 1846, Page 12



The transactions in the English Funds have been unimportant, and so have the fluctuations. During the week, the quotations have been at an advance of * per cent upon those last given; but a decline has since occurred, and the closing price of today is the same as that of last Saturday. Money, though abundant for commercial purposes, is in demand at the Stock Exchange: there is, conse- quently, no improvement in the premium of Exchequer Bills.

The usual meeting of the Bank proprietors was held yesterday; and a dividend of 311,; per cent for the half-year ending the 10th October next was declared upon the capital stock of the corporation. The accounts exhibited were of a very satis- factory character; upwards of 275,0001. having been added to the Rest during the past year. An attempt was in consequence made by some of the proprietors to obtain an increase of the dividend to 4 per cent; and afterwards to obtain the de- claration of a bonus of 10 per cent. The first motion was lost; and the second was not pressed, in consequence of the by-law precluding any proprietor from moving two amendments at the same court on the motion for a dividend. The amount of Rest or surplus balance was stated to be 3,864,4791.

No transactions have occurred in Bank Stock for Money, the books being closed; but after the meeting yesterday, the price for Account rose to 2111, and is today in 2101. the Foreign Market, the business transacted has been unimportant. The discussion consequent upon the proposed Spanish marriages has given some activity to speculation in all varieties of Spanish Stock. Until this morning, the tendency was upwards, and an improvement of nearly 1 per cent as com- pared with our last prices had occurred in the Active and Three per Cent Bonds; but the reported escape of Don Carlos has produced a reaction; and some large sales having been effected, the prices of both varieties have receded to the extent of the whole recent advance; so that the closing quotations of today are the same as those of last week. Portuguese Bonds are heavy in the absence of any ma- terial business. The excitement occasioned by the recent intelligence, that the Government intend to diminish the dividends by 20 per cent, has passed away; and the only effect of the intelligence received yesterday by the mail was to in- crease the gloom, without adding to the business of the market. The Railway Shares are generally lower, without the occurrence of any business requiring notice. Slight symptoms of improvement are observable in some of the French lines; but the Belgian appear quite neglected.

SATURDAT, Tvrravz o'CLoce. There is no change of importance in the prices of either the English or Foreign Funds. The agitation of the Spanish Stock Market has subsided, and scarcely a single bargain has been effected this morning; the prices of both Five and Three per Cent Bonds being the same as yesterday. The transactions in Railway Shares have been unimportant; but in some instances prices evince a slight degree of firmness as compared with yesterday. As yet we can only notice the following: Birmingham and Gloucester, 130*; Eastern Counties, 211: Great Southern and Western (Ireland), 2:11; North-western, 201; South-western, 26*; Manchester and Leeds Extension, 2: Manchester and Birmingham, 761; North British, Half Shines, 16; North Staffordshire, 81 i premium; West Cornwall, 2*.

iitarcaessr, Two Wow= No change or busine4 of importance has occurred in either the English or

Foreign Funds; which close at the morning's quotations. The transactions in Railway Shares have been on an equally small scale, and we can only report the occurrence of the following bargains in addition to those given in the morning. Caledonian, Half-shares, 1*; Chester and Holyhead, 24* I; Eastern Counties, 21* 2; Ditto, New, 7; Ditto, York Extension, 2* 2; London and North-western, 201; London and Greenwich, 9; London and South-western, 71 70*; Midland, New, 35*; South-eastern and Dover, 40; Ditto, New, No. 4, 3; Dutch-Rhenish, 51 5; Orleans and Bordeaux, 8j; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 6.

3 per Cent Consols 95l

Ditto for Account 951 6 3 per Cent Reduced shut 3; per Cents shut Long Annuities shut Bank Stock shut Exchequer Bills prem. 10 13 India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents 88 90 Belgian 41 per Cents 97 99 Chalon 6 per Cents 100 102

Columbian ex Venezuela 15 16

Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents.. .1846 New Grenada Portuguese New 5 p. Cm. 1841

Ditto 4 per Cents 1845

Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela 88 90 591 60 941 5; 251 201 ii 42 4 41 3 110 112 261 7 371 8 42 4