19 SEPTEMBER 1846, Page 19


WAR-OFFICE, SEPT. 18.-9th Light Drags.—R. Hoghton, Gent. to be Cornet, without purchase, vice French, promoted. Coldstream Guards -Ensign E. H. Bering, front the

68th Foot, to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Verner, who retires. 14th Foot-

Lieut. W. Douglas to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Major H. C. Lynch, whe retires upon full-pay. 29th Foot—Brevet Major E. Lugard, from the 31st Foot, to be Capt. vice L'Estrauge, who exchanges. 31st Foot—Capt. II. P. L'Estmnge, from tne 29th Foot, to be Capt. vice Lugard, who exchanges. 34th Foot—Lieut. M. G. Best to be AdjL vice Bourke, who resigns the Adjcy. only. 44th Foot—Asaist.-surg. K. Ro- bertson, M.D., from the 69th Foot, to be Surg. vice Murray, promoted on the Staff. 47th Foot—Capt. G. T. Evans, frrm the 74th Foot, lobe Capt. vice Patton, who ex- changes 54th Foot—E. J. Mathias, Gent, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Mar-

riott, appointed Quartermaster. 61st Foot—Lieut. C. R. Richardson, from the 69t1 Foot, to be Lieut. vice Mamma, who exchanges. 634 Foot—Lieut. It. Maunsell, from the Slat Font, to be Lieut. vice Richardson, who exchanges. 68t1t Foot—C. IL Shut-

tleworth, Gent, to be ensign by purchase, vice Bering, appointed to the Coldstream- Guards. 69th Foot—To be Captains, without purchase : Lieutenant G. Losac,k ; Lieutenant W. J. B. Si. Moore. To be Lieutenants, without purchase : Lieutenant F. G. W. Fearon, from the 57th Foot ; Ensign0. H. Evans ; Ensign!). Dunne, vice LateICY.

To be Ensign, without purchase : J. II. Belton, Omit; C. 011borne, Gent.; R. Fitzge- rald, Gent. vice Evans ; 0. Coathape, Gent. vice Dunne. To be AssIst.-Surg. : Assist:

Surg. It. V. George, M.D. from the 3d West India ReIrt. vice Robertson, promoted In

the 44th Foot, 74th Foot—CapL W. D. P. Patton, from the 47th Foot, to be Capt. vice Evans, who exchanges. 80th Foot—Ensign R. C. Gordon to be Lieut. without pur-

chase, vice Bodle, appointed Quartermaster; Quartermaster-Serg. R. Crawford to be Ensign, vice Gordon ; Lieut. G. Bodle to be Quartermaster, vice Hayes, deceased. 84th Foot—Ensign D. O'Brien to be Lieut. without purchase, vice M'Cann, dec.

2d West India ltegt.—Ensign T. P. Wright to be Lieut. without purchase, vice NAM, deceased. To be Ensigns, e Ithout purchase : Sergt.-Major P. 3PLoughlin, from the

Coventry Recruiting District, vice Dagg, promoted ; W. H. P. Strachan, Gent. view Wright. 3d West India IteaL—A Concannou, M.D. to be Ambit.-Slug. vice George, appointed to the 69th Foot. Staff—Brevet Lieut.-Col. H. Havelock, of the 534 Foot, to be Deputy Adjt.-Gen. to her Majesty's Forces serving at Bombay, vice LteuL-Col. Martin, dec. Vet.-,tirg. C. Brett, from the 19th Light Drags, to be Vet.-Surg. to the Cavalry Depot at Maid- stone, vice Black, dec. Hospital Staff—Surg. IL Murray, M.D. from the 44th Foot, to be Staff-Surg. of time First Class, vice C,7, Q. Palmer, who retires upon half-pay. Home, adtan—The Christian names of Ensign 51"Beath, of the 25th Foot, are John