19 SEPTEMBER 1903, Page 25

Nxw EDITIONS. —The Text-Book of ,Geology. By Sir Archibald Geikie. 2

vols. (Macmillan and Co. 30s. net.)—A fourth edition, revised and brought up to date ; in fact, generally fitted to retain its place as a standard book of reference.—Rural Hygiene. By G. V. Poore, M.D. A. third edition. (Longmans and Co. 6s.'6d.)—We are glad to see the admirable principles which Dr. Poore sets forth, principles which are the foundation of the only safe system of hygiene, meet with a considerable amount of popular favour. A third edition means, we hope, a considerable amount of sanitary reform.—In the series , of "Standard Biographies" (Hutchinson and Co., ls. net), Southey's Life of Nelson, edited, with Notes and Chronological Table, by A D Power.—In the "World's Classics" (Grant Richards, ls. net), The Poems of Robert Herrick.In the " Authorised Edition of the Works of W. N. Thackeray". (J. M. Dent and Co., 3s. net), Sketches and Travels in London.—In the " Illustrated Library of Plain and Coloured Books" (Methuen and Co., 3s. 6d. net), The Grave, by Robert Blair.—Shots from a Lawyer's Gun. By Nicholas Everitt. (Everett and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—A series of papers giving legal information in humorous fashion on such subjects as Trespass, Game, Poaching, Boundaries, Licenses, and the various matters with which rural justice has to do.—In the " Fireside Dickens" (Chapman and Hall, 2s.), Little Doprit, the seventeenth volume of the series of twenty-two.Secrebs of the Courts of Europe. By Allen Upward. (J. W. Arrowsmith. 6d.)—Essays and Historiettes. By Walter Besant. (Chatto and Windus, 63.)— A collection of ten essays, seven of which deal with subjects of French history and literature. The other three are "Over Johnson's Grave," "The First Society of British Authors," and " Literature as a Career."