19 SEPTEMBER 1931, Page 14


Referring to the recent deplorable outrages on officials in India, you stated in the Spectator of August 1st : " There is no ground for associating the Congress Party with them,

directly or indirectly." ■

You seem to be very imperfectly acquainted with all the facts. The recent outrages are directly the result of the Congress " worship of assassins," and the constant preaching from Congress platforms of the " beauty and holiness of murder." What is the evidence ?

Mahatma Gandhi himself is of this opinion. Last week, he wrote in his paper, Young India : " Congress worship of assassins, like Bhagat Singh has done, and is doing incalculable harm to the country. I regret to observe that caution has been thrown to the winds. The deed itself is worshipped by Congress as if it was worthy of emulation. The result is gandaism, violence and degradation," and so forth. It will be recalled that the assassin, Bhagat Singh, was the ruffian who, when his brother assassin had shot Mr. Saunders in a street at Lahore, in broad daylight, walked across and emptied his pistol into the victim's body. Mr. Gandhi gave his sympathy and support at the Karachi Congress to the notorious " Bhagat Singh Murder Resolution." That resolution was passed in honour of an assassin.

It is only fair to add that, the Mahatma has on several occasions since, expressed sorrow and remorse. Last week at the Congress Committee in Bombay he also said, "The worship of assassins has been carried too far, I am now a

nervous wreck."—I am, Sir, &c., J. D. JENKINS. Poona, India, August 20th.