1 APRIL 1837, Page 11



The English Stock Market has been in a quiescent state ; and the various disastrous circumstances which have occurred in the commercial world have failed to make any great impression upon the value of the Public Securities. Consols are still in demand ; the investments absorbiug all the stock that is brought to market. .Monet' is mph more abundant on the Stock Exchange, and the premium upon Exchequer Bills is increasing. The foreign exchanges are still improving ; and bills were negotiated to.dav at advanced rates, both upon France and Holland. In the course of the week, a considerable quantity of gold has been received from Paris; but the expectations which were indulged of remittances of bullion from America have not been realizA, as the two last arrivals from New York have not brought any dollars. The only shipment of the precious metals received from the New World is 15.000 dollars from Mexico on account of the United Mexican Mining Company. A considerable sensation was excited on the Royal Exchange yesterday, by the stoppage of tie respeetable house of FRYE and LIGHTEOOT, which became known in the course el the day. These gentlemen have for some time carried on an extensive business in the Irish and Continental trade; and a perfect re- liance on their solidity bad prevailed up to the moment of failure. The imme- diate cause of this iinsMettnie is stated to be large trausactious with an Ameri- can firm, whom failure we noticed some time ago.

In the Foreign Market, the bosiness has not been very extensive. The approaching bidding for the new Dutch Loan, which is to take place at Am- sterdam in the course of next week, has caused some business in Dutch Stock, and led to a deeline of711 per cent. in the price of these securities.

Spanish Stock •till continues depressed, under the di.vouraging accouuts from the North of Spain. The settlement of the elm:illative transactions for the last fortnight occurred to-day ; and was looked for with some anxiety by the jobbers and dealers, as the decline which has occurred in the price of

the Bonds has ex.: •eded t; per cent. The account has, however, been arranged, without a single defaulter having been declared. Portuguese Stock has declined I per cent. During the last two days, there seems to have been a great disposition among the holders to sell. The American Stocks have ken neglected, with the exception of the Chilian, in which there have OeeIll'led to-,i iv One or two purchases. The Railway Shares are still heavy. Those of the Greenwich have, how. ever, been the objects of much attention, as it was believed that their value would be increased by the amount of tolls taken on the Railway during the Easter holydays. Bets were made that the atnount taken on Monday would be 1,000/. : the whele suns received, however, ant Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednestlay, (ILI not much exceed 2,0001.; and on Monday the receipts were over 6401.

SATI:RnAY. TWELVE o.,77,e1r. Very little business has (-teemed here this morning. The opening price of Consols for Account was 90H ; but in consequence of a sale of Money Stock, the price has declined per cent.—to 90,‘ A quotation of rare occurrenee appears in the official list, viz. that of New South Sea Annuities, in which a bargain has been effeeted mt 8sA. III the Foreign Market, Danish, Brazilian, and Dutch Five rer Cents, are quoted without the dividend, which becomes due upon all if them to-day. Spanish Stock has improved ; the present price being 21 7 to 2-2:1; ; Deferred is P.5 ; and the Passive :4 The Railway Shares are without material alteration ;—Londun annul Birmingham 24 24i premium ; Great Western 4 to ; Greenwich par to 1 premium ; and Southampton 16 to 15 ais. S.lTUR!,%Y, FOYR U.CT.,K.

We have scateely any variation in the prices of the Funds to notice. Consols for Account close at 001 ,:. Spanish Stock is also iiimer ; the closing price of the Active Bonds being 22 to .

3 per Cent, consols !am. Danish 3 per Cents 731 411 Ditto for Aee.1111. 1111:,.- i 1111Ie% ili per tents 52,1 .1t 3 per Cott. ltetIm.e.1 shot Mw:le 111 Ii pm I ',at 23 24 New 3+ per Cent AIII1S ex.Ctis 97-L1 I l'IVIt121t,.., Ite.:,.1;,•y 5 p. Cte 47* Bank Stock — Ditto 3 pur Ccut. 30k Inala ....t.:1 -- Dino 5 per Cents 1,36 Sclip . 5.1 Exchequer Hill 1! 33 pr. Pi tIssiall 1,1,1,15 1,er Cent .. — Belaian 5 per Cents jot t It ossiank Ist!..[11, per Cent... 1')71.4