1 APRIL 1837, Page 2

The French Ministers are still snapping and snarling, of one

rnird only on two points—the receipt of salary and the retention of place. GASPARIN, whom TRIERS crushed in the CONSEIL debate,—not, as he said, that it was worth while to demolish that unimportant person, but because he rendered a quarrel in the Ministry inevitable thereby.—GASPARIN is to be turned out of the Ministry of the Interior. The question is, who will succeed him? GUIZOT took the department of' Public Instruction in the hope of being the virtual Premier without responsibility ; he finds that he is charged with responsibility and denuded of power. The King pets MOLE, and uses GUIZOT. This does not suit the temper or the aim of GUIZOT; who now insists upon having the most in- fluential post in the Ministry, the department of the Interior. This Mots will not submit to. The King and MOLE both wish to put MONTALI VET, the friend and favourite of the King, into the Interior ; but GUIZOT will not act with him. Then why not dismiss Guam.? To this it may come at lust. But then, no Ministry can stand in the Chamber of Deputies with both TRIERS and GUIZOT in opposition; TRIERS would require a real su- premacy in the Cabinet, whatever his office might be ; and the ICing will not give up his own unconstitutional system of per- his distress the King is even reported to have applied to the worn. out old SEBASTIAN!, to take the place of MOLE, and get a Cabinet together.

The elections of officers for the National Guard in Paris have disappointed the Liberals. Almost all the old officers have been again chosen; a proof, it is said, that the Paris shopkeepers are still resolved to keep up the present system and stand by the King. sonal dictation. Thus all is uncertainty and perplexity ; awl in