1 APRIL 1837, Page 3

Letters are in town of a very recent date from

General Evans, in which he expresses his readiness to obey the wishes of his ciaisti- tuents, by resigning his seat fot thwith. At the same time, he to

their recollection the cheerful sanction they gave to his departure, and urges upon them that the cause in which he is (aura:led is hi feet the

cause of the people, as the defeat of the Queen in Spain would be virtually the triumph of the Tories in England. But, under all cir- cumstances, the gallant General declares his determination to make his

appearance in the House of Commons not later than the 106 of June, on which day will expire the Royal consent given by proclamation to British officers to enter foreign service, when the command of the Spanish troops now under his orders IN ill devolve upon Spanish officers.— True Sun.

A meeting was held last night at the Horns Tavern, and measurce taken to form a South London Protestant Association.

The half-yearly meeting of the proprietors of the Canada Company was held on Wednesday ; Mr. Charles Bosanquet, the Governor, it: the chair. A report of the affairs of the Comeaay stated, that The sales of land to emigrants by the Company, in the last year, had boa:. 40,077 acres of the Crown reserves, at an average of I2s. ad. per acre; 50,Casaa

acres in the Huron tract, at an average of 10s. ea/. per arra. ; and a few town

lots ; in all producing 52,0671. currency. The total quantity of land bought by the Company front Government was 2,4,4,000 acres; of us huh ri7o,or5)

acres had been sold, N10,000 acres paid for, but mead(' ; and the Corporation had to pay at a future period for 0s40,000 acres. The teral purchase-money for the whole was 3ltaa00/. ; of which I a5a Ito/. had !seen paid, and l63,000a.

were still due to Government. Of the latter sae!, however, 45,000/. is to be

disposed of by the Company in improvements in the colony, of which 20,0102. has been already expended. The amount ot bills in the hands of the Company

for land sold, secured on the improved lands, was 151,000/. ; and the intereFe due thereon was about 25,000/. The correspondence front the colony showed that the settlers in the past year, especially those on the Compaay's lands, latac had generally very excellent harvests, aud were in a slate of contented au: gradual prosperity. The improvements in the Huron tract bad been v.:try rapid.

The Governor mentioned that the political dissensions in Lowe- Canada had tended to repress emigration. The report was approved of, and other routine business despatched.

Mr. Simon Cock, Secretary to the London Dock Company, a gar- tleman very much respected for his integrity and meseantile oluility, die6.

at Chiswick on Friday last week. In token of respect to his memory, all the vessels in the London Docks on Saturday had their coloure hoisted half-mast high.