1 APRIL 1837, Page 4

Cbe Country.

The Earl of Warwick and his Tory :retainers have had a sound beating in the borough, no longer the property of the noble Greville. On Monday, the nomination of candidates to succeed Mr. (now Vis- count) Canning took place. Mr. Sergeant Adams was proposed by Mr. Henry Wyse, and seconded by Mr. Greenway ; Mr. Collins was proposed by Dr. Connelly, and seconded by Alderman Morris. Ser- geant Adams was violent and abusive. He especially inveighed against the atrocities of the Poor-law, which the Duke of Wellington carried through the Lords and Sir Robert Peel supported in the Commons. The crowd listened very unwillingly to the Sergeant ; who was asked to speak to the point, and not talk nonsense. Mr. Collins, evidently the popular candidate, referred to his past services in the cause of local reform ; and promised, if elected, to act up to his principles in the House of Comntons.

The show of bands was in favour of Mr. Collins, and a poll was demanded for Sergeant Adams. Mr. Joseph Parkes afterwards ad- dressed the electors from the window of the Black Swan Hotel, in a very effective electioneering speech ; in which be exposed and ridi- culed some of the nonsense talked by Sergeant Adams, and referred with extil tat ion to the " scouring out" of the old Town- Hall, the expul- sion of the corrupt corporators. That Mr. Parkes did excellent ser- vice at Warwick, is evident from the rage of the Times; in which paper, on Thursday, be was honoured by a discharge of abuse in the treat style of Billiogsgate. Railing will not restore Lord Warwick to the sovereignty of the borough no longer his ; and as for Mr. Parkes, probably nobody in England disregards or despises newspaper blackguardisin more than he does.

The polling commenced on Tuesday morning ; and at the close, in the evening, the numbers were—

For Collins 957 Adams 422 Majority 35 The Liberals had twenty more votes to poll, but they would not annecessarily expose dependent electors to the persecution of the " Castle " and the Tories of Warwick.