1 APRIL 1848, Page 4

The Dublin Herald states that the Earl of Clarendon was

handed a letter on St. Patrick's night, cautioning him that he would be assassinated at the ball. We have reason to believe this statement true; that a person handed a note to one of the attendants at the door, telling him to give it, to his Excellency, and then hurriedly departed. The note (which is said to have contained the words. "Beware! you will be assassinated in the room!") was not, we are confident, written by a Repealer.—Pilot.

The number of troops now serving in Ireland, including artillery, but exclusive of the enrolled out-pensioners, is about 31,000 men of all ranks —ten regiments of cavalry, two troops of horse artillery, ten companies of artillery, twenty-two regiments or battalions of the Line, (including the Forty-third Foot, which has just arrived,) and eleven dephas of regiments of the Line.—Globe.

A powerful garrison is now barracked in Dublin. Further additions, however, are stated to be made. Carpenters are busily fitting part of the Linen gill to receive the Fifty-second Regiment from Liverpool;-the Fifty- seventh is under orders for Ireland; and 'a division of Royal Marines is ordered from Plymouth to Cove.

We have just received the note of our Cove correspondent, giving the arrival of the St. Vincent, 120, Canopus, 84, and Amphion steam-sloop, from Lisbon, under the command of Admiral Napier.—Cork Repvrter, March 24th.

The Dublin correspondent of the Times reports very warlike proceed- ings— " I can state as a positive fact, that the Confederates now meet nightly in their club-rooms for the purpose of being drilled; and that under the hands of prac- tised teachers they are taught to march in time, form sections, close and open co- lumns, &c.; and further, that the Rifle Clubs are in full operation—that new pikes, twelve feet long, are becoming plentiful in the arms-market,—some of the misguided owners, acting on the advice of Mr. Mitchel, really believing that the time for an outbreak has arrived; and, to cap the climax of insane folly, a gentle- man, at least in appearance, parades the streets of Dublin dressed in the uniform (green and gold, with yellow facings) of the Irish National Guard that is to be organized at the bidding of Mr. Smith O'Brien and his co-seditionmongers." *

Considerable quantities of guns have been recently imported from Birming

barn, and were bought up with avidity. The Rifle Clubs are nightly increasiug their

• num bers• and one of the attractions is, that they possess peculiar facilities s for enabling the members to obtain arms, as well as to use them.

"matters of this kind have become quite notorious; and people are not much alarmed, because they cannot persuade themselves that any portion of the popu- lation would be so insane as to attempt an outbreak. "In some of the country districts, the arming is quite as general amongst some portion of the peasantry. Quantities of guns have been sent down to some of the midland counties for sale; but there is a still more alarming feature in the state- ments circulated, and which I hear from various quarters, that the manufacture of pikes has commenced on a rather extensive scale, especially in the county of Meath. A gentleman connected with that county has assured me that many of the blacksmiths are actively employed in making pike-heads; and I have heard of one instance where a contract has been made for five hundred of those formi- dable weapons."

Our latest edition last week contained a very brief notice of the proceed- ings at the Irish Confederate meeting in the Music Hall on the previous Thursday: we now give fuller development to our report, as the style of the speeches and resoln 'ens was remarkable. The business of the consisted chiefly in the passing of two reso-

lutions and an address. ese are the resolutions- " That the Council be instructed to inquire and report without delay on the best, most effectual, and speediest means of organizing an armed National Guard, composed of all sects of religionists, in order that the country may have available strength ready for its defence as occasion may arise. That the Confederation have heard with much satisfaction that the Protestants of the North are engaged in arming themselves, as all freemen have a right to be. And that the Council be instructed to invite the cooperation both of the Orangemen and the Repeaters not members of the Confederation,"

" That the Council he instructed to inquire and report, at the earliest possible day, on the best and most effectual means and manner of holding a National Council, to be composed of elected delegates from all the principal towns and rural districts in Ireland, representing, as far as possible, all sects and classes of the Irish people, to consult together how the island is to be liberated most speedily from the dominion of the British Parliament; and whether and how far the great national events occurring throughout Europe may afford additional means and opportunities for that enterprise.

The address was superscribed "To the Citizens of the Irish Nation," and contained these passages—

"Citizens, this is the beginning of the end. All is now staked on the majesty and the virtue of the people. Be ours the post of suffering; yours the path to liberty—its vindication in the hoar of trial—its enjoyment in success. "Be wise, be steady, be prudent—but be bold. One backward step is death. Look around, and look within, and ask your hearts if the time has not come? From the East and the West, from the North and the South, thunders Freedom's invocation. Her lessons are read by the light of burning thrones, her echoes heard in the footfalls of flying tyrants; and Religion and Peace are her hand- maids. Here too her cause shall be sacred. Here too popular virtue shall sanctify popular triumph. There shall be order, protection, tranquillity. Pro- perty and life shall find their best security in the magnanimity of a liberated people. "Stand together, and swear that the time is at hand. Stand together, and prepare. . . . . So the people be saved and be free, let us perish. We shall be happy."

Several new members were admitted to the Confederation; among them, some members of !Trinity College; svho stated that many others would join were it not for the opposing influence of "the bigoted College Board." On separating, the clubs velm attended at the meeting" fell in," and marched through many Of the streets till a la*hour with noisy demonstrations,

but no positive riot. -

Specimens of the oratory are subjoined— Mr. P. I. Barry:---" If O'Brien, Meagher, and Mitchel are to be imprisoned for speaking and writing the truth, we are all prepared, one by one, to repeat what they lave already spoken, and a great deal more. (Loud cheers.) . In fact, we are determined to achieve liberty for our country. In the mean time, brothers, let us prepare for the worst; let our organization go on. Let the clubs take the &le of the Paris clubs, who were able to turn out fifty-thousand men in three days' notice. (Great cheering.) Organize, th9. Whilst the storm sweeps over the face of Europe, levelling thrones, and tearing up from the, roots old systems of tyranny, shall Ireland stand listlessly by, gazing on the astounding events, with- oat making an effort for their own liberation? (Loud cries of "No, no!" and cheers.) Shall the wholtworld be free, and our ewe dear land a slave? (Shouts of "No, no!") The bayonets of tyrants have no terrors for other men. Shall we be deterred by what is called law? ("No, no! ") Let all who talk of re- specting the law go home, for God's,saket and mind their families and business, if they have any; and leave this struggle in our hands. who neither love, nor re spect, nor fear the law. . . . That thing jumbled together in London, and called law, is not to be heeded when it stands in the way of our liberties." (Great cheering.)

[Mr. Barry read a resolution of the Confederate Council, specifically adopt- ing the speeches of Mr. O'Brien and the others on which Government are found- ing their charges in the law-courts. Those:speeches are to be printed and cir- culated through Ireland at the expense of the Confederation.] He then said —"'We do not promise to outmanoeuvre them in the Court of Queen's Bench. We cannot undertake to drive a coach and six through their prosecution. But, with God's help and yours, we will drive something better through it. We will drive through it the will of the Irish people. We will drive through it an elected Council of national safety. We will drive through it the green banners of a hun- dred thousand National Guards." (Much cheering.)

He prayed that. the gentry might still join the straggle of the people, and pas- sed to the recommendations of Mr. Smith O'Brien. " Mr. O'Brien ad- vises a mission to America. If any of you can:lamest a suitable person for this duty, pray inform the Council speedily; we are only waiting for the right man to put this suggestion into practice. But he thinks further, that there ought to be ad Irish brigade in America, ' which might hereafter serve as the basis of an Irish army.' An admirable suggestion: we will take care that it shall form part of the instructions of our missionary, to recommend it to our countrymen." (Loud cheer Aing.)

" t a late meeting I proposed my friend Mr. Stephenson, Fellow of the Col- lege of St. Columba, a member of this Confederation. The Archbishop of Ar- magh and the leaders of the College have deprived him of his Fellowship for de-

siring the liberty of his country. (Groans.)No, do not groan; it has happilyenabled him to devote his leisure to the organization of our Irish Polytechnic In-

stitution. (Loud cheers.) " Mr. O'Brien's final proposal is that we should form a National Guard. You will this night be asked to assent to the appointment of a committee to consider how it may be most speedily and effectually done. (Loud cheers.) In the great movements that are shaking the world that was the first step. Each of the strug- gling states demanded a National Guard, and obtained it. When they had that they had all; for it is the guarantee of liberty. (Cheers.) We too must have one; and I trust the professional and trading classes will stand in its ranks side by side with the artisans and students." Mr. Richard O'Gorman *unior.—" One constitutional privilege and one alone remains to us—the sa right of resistance: for it is part of the social contract of every nation, that when men suffer and can by no legal means redress their wrongs—when a few lord it over the many, and the proati- tuted tribunals of justice sanction the oppression—then it is right and the duty of a people to reclaim the trust—to depose by the armed band the govern.. meat that misrule them, and set up instead a more congenial system of legislation. It was by this right that the English people deposed the last of the Stuarts, set a foreigner in his place, and called the forfeiture of allegiance a glorious revolution. "'The claim is just, the question simple—peace and Repeal, or war and Sepa- ration. (Cheers.) Mr. Derain Rally.—" I propose to you this resolution to arm the Confederates of Ireland; and that is the answer I give to Lord Clarendon. For every leader he imprisons we will supply one thousand men; for every hour he keeps them in prison his mile in this country will be shortened by one hundred days; for every hair of their heads—for every one of them he hangs—but I shall not talk of hanging !—If there be virtue amongst us, long before their trials come on we shall reach their prison-bars and open the gaols with the pick and crowbar. Every street in this city shall have its conflict, every pavement its carpet of blood; and the barricades shall be erected, and every Inch shall be fought. We are not the men to remain inactive while our brothers are in danger. No, Sir; every ditch must be defended—every river must have its memorial—every moun- tain top its sacred hallo--until the last moat of our intrenchments shall be the graves of the last of the Irish race. (Tremendous cheering.) "Yon see a great movement of the people passing over the universe. Democracy has crossed the Alps and entered Austria. Last week he was in Paris; and he smashed there a dynasty, the strongest in the world. He will be upon 'you. presently. Neat week three hundred thousand men will assemble in England— Chartists; and then they shall have London in their own hands. Let us prepare for that day—it. may be sooner or later; and the only way to prepare is by arming. And till that day comes, I have one advice to leave with you—it is an old one in Ireland, 'Put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry.'" (Prolonged cheer-

Mr.in M Mitchel urged every man to get his arms, and provide a certain quan- tity of ammunition. He was given to understand that a very good serviceable rifle could be had for three pounds. But if there was any man who could not afford to expend that sum of money, let him provide himself with a good ashpole, well rounded, and seven or eight feet in length. (Tremendous cheering.) [One of the Confederates here whispered in Mr. Mitchel's ear; when he proceeded to say]—It had been well suggested to him, that he ought to have said a pole of nine or ten feet, instead of seven or eight only. However, there was, he believed, little need that he should correct this error, as most Irishmen understood the na- ture of the weapon better than he did. (Continued cheers.) But what he wished to convey to them was this, that speeches and resolutions would never avail them unless they were all armed and ready to turn out. (Vociferous cheering, and cries of "Pikes, pikes! ") He hoped that every man there would participate in his impatience to see something like this done. The King of France had run away from Paris; the King of Prussia was hiding at Potsdam; the Emperor of Austria was packing his portmanteau to run away from Vienna; but Lord Cla- rendon still sat in Dublin Castle! (Loud cheers.) The Council of the Confederation had not fully identified themselves with him; but he confessed he had a curiosity to know whether that meeting would shrink from identifying themselves with his opmnions. (Cries of "No, no!") But se- dition was a small matter; he was now about to commit high treason. He meant to call on them, if they would not remain slaves fur ever, to rise up—he did not say when—but to rise up at an early day, or perhaps an early night, and smash through the Castle of Dublin, and tear it down. (Tremendous applause.) One gentleman whit had addressed them that evening said he would be con- tented with the constitution of '82. (Cries of " We won't have it," " It won't do," 1tC.) He for nue would not be oentented with it; because the coeetitution of '02 departed in 6ghteen years,' and he hoped never to see it cetera. He desired to have a much better constitution; and that was she only point on which he differed from the speeches of Mr. Smith O'Brien and Mr. Meagher. Mr. Meagher proposed an address to the English Queen as a preliminary step. lie objected entirely to that address; foe he would have nothing to do with any Kings or Queens, except, indeed, with the Queen's Bench. (Cheers and laughter.) He would now conclude by observing, that whatever might be the opinion of other Confederates, there should be no rest for him until he saw Ireland a free Republic. (Deafening cheers.) Mr. Doheny.—How strange was their position that night ! The reporter of the Government sat before them; the Castle was not many yards distant, and it was unguarded; all -Europe was alive and awake; and there were they, the great- est slaves of all, sitting quietly at a public meeting. Mr. Meagher had said that their speeches now should be short, sharp, and decisive: but, of all things, lie thought the shortest, sharpest, and meet decisive was the sound of r. rifle. (Loud cheers.) Mr. Meagher was now on his way to Paris, and in three days he would tell the Provisional Government of France what there was of strength in Ireland—what there was of high treason in Ireland; and then he would come back to tell his countrymen how much there was of help in France.

In England there were many men who were slaves like them—men who had been once misguided concerning Ireland, but wore now her firmest friends. Those friends had said that if blood was shed in Ireland, the intelligence would be read by a terrible light in England, and that Manchester and Liverpool especially would make wonderful bonfires. They should to a man pledge themselves to fight to the death if necessary: for his own part, in any place, in the streets or in the provinces, he was resolved to be a martyr. He would, therefore, strongly ad- vise every man who had not a weapon to sell all he possessed, if required, and buy one. Were they prepared to make this last trial with England ? (" Yes, yes!") If they meant to fight and make their last effort—(Cries of " We are! Pikes! barricades! ") These are the right words to employ; for there is no knowing how soon they may be needed. Let them leave the hall prepared that very night, or the gibbet and the halter might be prepared for them; and when they met again; let it be to celebrate victory. He believed the time to struggle was rapidly approaching; and the man wtio was not then prepared was nothing but a coward and a slave. (Deafening cheers.)

Mr. Stephenson [late Fellow and Professor of St. Columba College, bat ilia- missed]—The authorities of the Columba College had given him an opportunity of devoting his entire time to the service of his country. They had given him leisure in the first instance to make himself acquainted with the manner in which barricades are constructed, and also to receive lessons in guerilla warfare, and to practice firing in a shooting-gallery; for he felt the time was at hand when every man might require a stout arm and a true eye. His friend Mr. Duffy had told them he (Mr. Stephenson) was engaged in endeavouring toot anize a polytechnic school: he thought the formation of such a body would be ofd great advantage to the Irish Confederation—it would be a means of communication between it and the great bulk of the Irish people.

The Nation of Saturday has this declaration- " The traversers will come into court without any previous attempt to postpone or avert the day of trial. They will avail themselves of no technical trick of the law. They will advance right to the issue, admitting everything that may sweep impediments out of the way. When the witnesses are heard the traversera will make their own defence. They will intrust to no lawyer the illustration of their principles and motives. They will put it distinctly to an Irish jury to pro. nounce between the rights of Ireland and the interests of a foreign government. They will await and defy the issue." The rumour in Dublin is, that the treason of the Confederates last week is to be passed in silence, but that in future the meetings themselves are to be stopped by the Police.

Some very singular resolutions were adopted at a meeting held on St. Patrick's Day in the parish-chapel of Templederry, under the presidency of the Reverend John Kenyon. The first and second recite that the Templederry parishioners, "like the Pa- risians," need daily bread ; but that the English law frustrates the dispositions of nature: a multitude of harpies, idle, insolent, and ravenous, squander the bread of the industrious poor, " and batten on their ruin as vermin upon scab." The rest run thus—" That we do keep watch in rotation upon the summit of Knocdageen, spying incessantly towards the four points of heaven, for some dawn- ing of hope on our dark desolation; and that whoever of us, so spying, shall per- ceive any glimmering thereof, however faint or far distant, shall instantly light a whisp to cheer his brethren in the valley." " That upon sight of the expected whisp we take our position at the Templederry Wall, until it may please Provi- dence to guide us to a better." " That these resolutions be published in the Limerick Reporter and Nation newspapers; the stamp-duties of publication to be defrayed out of the Consolidated Fund, and the proprietors' claims discharged by the benefit of the act."

The Nenagh Guardian states that beacon-fires are lighted nightly on the hills as far away from Nenagh as Thurles and Holy Cross.

The meeting at Conciliation Hall on Monday was excessively crowded; and the rent reached 1001.

Mr. John O'Connell preached patience, in his usual strain—

He believed no breach of the peace would take place. A Voice—" All we want is arms." (Cries of "Hold your tongue! ") Mr. O'Connell moved the adoption of a resolution, that all the Irish corpora- tions petition the Queen to assemble the Irish Lords and Commons in Dublin, as under her prerogative she might: and he announced that if it were rejected, not a single English measure should proceed in either House of Parliament. (Cheers.)

Lord Miltown related an anecdote to show the dreadful effects of Eng- lish misrule—

A short time since, a deputation from the Society of Friends went down to Mayo to give employment to the poor, believing it better to give relief by employ- ment than by money; and for that purpose were, of course, obliged to procure some land. Accordingly, they went to a gentleman of property in the neigh- bourhood, and asked him if they could have what they wanted ? He replied, that they should have as much as they liked with pleasure. They then said, they hoped be would give it to them as moderately as possible, as their means were limited. " Oh," said he, "gentlemen, you shall have it for nothing if you only pay the poor-rates, and I'll feel particularly obliged to you." The deputa- tion took the land upon those very easy terms, as they supposed; but on the fol- lowing day, it appeared, a gentleman living near complained that his ground had not been taken; saying, "If you had come to me, I would have not only given you he land for nothing, but have paid the poor-rates, if you only paid the county- cess." Such was the state of Ireland, as he knew it to be in many parts; which showed that land was in fact perfectly worthless—worse than worthless. There was another statement made to him showing the state of the country, which he would briefly refer to. It was this, that a gentleman, the holder of 290,000 acres of land, from his inability to pay his rates, was obliged to sell off his horses and carriages to pay them, and was then compelled to quit the country to save him- self from being personally attacked. Mr. Leyne, in seconding a motion, alluded to the British colonies; and was called to order by Mr. John O'Connell, who said any allusion to the dependencies of England might involve the Association in trouble. Mr. Leyne broke bounds again; on which Mr. O'Connell again rose to order. He was shouted at, and desired to sit down. When he obtained a hearing, he said- " There is no use in a clamorous attempt to put me down. If it is now or at any time the wish of the Irish people not to hear me, I am ready, at a moment, to resign my present position. (Cries of "No, no!") I think some of my young friend's observations have been misunderstood, as far as I can judge from the mode in which the matter was taken up."

The Irish papers report the prevaloncy of fatal disease and starvation, from dearth and deleterious food. They especially denounce the rye-bread given by the Relief funds, as productive of aggravated dysentery.