1 APRIL 1854, Page 32


MARCH 28.)

At a Court held on Wednesday, the Queen in Council, orders were issued for the conduct of the war.

The first orders, "that general reprisals be granted against the ships, vessels, and goods of the Emperor of All the Russias, and of his subjects or others inhabiting within any of his countries, territories, or dominions; so that her Majesty's fleets and ships shall and may lawfully seize all ships, vessels, and goods belonging to the Emperor of All the Russias, or his sub- jects, or others inhabiting within any of his countries, territories, or domi- nions, and bring the same to judgment in such Courts of Admiralty within her Majesty's dominions, possessions, or colonies, as shall be duly commis- sionated to take cognizance thereof." The same order gives the requisite authority to the Admiralty Courts to adjudge and condemn all captures.

The second orders, that no ships belonging to British subjects be permitted to enter and clear out for any of the ports of Russia; and lays an embargo on all Russian ships which are now or may be hereafter in any British ports, unless specially exempted.

The third directs, that Russian merchant-vessels in any British ports shall be allowed six weeks from the date of the order (29th March) for loading their cargoes and departing from such ports and places ; and that such Russian ships, if met at sea, shall be allowed to continue their voyage, if, on examination, their papers show that "their cargoes were taken on board before the expiration of the above term." And any Russian merchant- vessel which, previously to the date of the order, sailed from any foreign port, bound for any British port, shall be permitted to discharge her cargo and depart without molestation, and to continue her voyage for any port not blockaded.

The fourth document is a proclamation regulating the distribution of prize- money. In the first instance, the value of any prize is to be divided between British ships and the ships of any power that may be then acting in alliance with this country ; the shares to be divided in proportion to the gross number of men and officers employed in either squadron, without reference to their respective ranks. The qualification OR the part of such allied squadron or ships will consist in the being in sight of the prize and also of the captor, "under circumstances to cause intimidation to the enemy and encourage- ment to the captor." After such share of the ally has been set apart, the remaining portion will be divided amongst the officers and men of her Majesty's forces, according to the regulations recently adopted by the Ad- miralty, and promulgated not long since by the Secretary of that department.