1 APRIL 1871, Page 1


OTHE Revolt is master in Paris. The Moderate Battalions 1 encamped round the Bourse did, as we predicted, nothing ; 'their Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Saisset, found the situation un- 4-enable, and fled in disguise to Versailles ; the Central Committee, ..on Saturday and Sunday, occupied all the arrondissements ; and on Sunday the Commune was elected. This body consists of ninety members, the great majority Reds, and claims full legislative and .executive authority in Paris. The election was announced at 4 p.m. .on Tuesday, amidst enthusiastic applause from 100,000 National Guards, and since then the Commune has been in almost constant session. It has done little beyond seizing the Ministries, abolish- ing the police, prohibiting conscription, decreeing the abrogation of back rent for the time of the siege—on the ground that land- lords ought to suffer as well as tenants—and appointing a Sub- Committee of of Military Defence. Of this body, which controls the armed force, Assi is believed to be the soul ; but its head or chief of the staff is " General " Bergeret, a man of much energy and some good sense. This body has decreed the formation of a standing army of 25,000 men, each paid 2i francs a day, with 150 guns and mitrailleuses. With this force it dominates Paris, where, however, there is no resistance.