1 APRIL 1911, Page 24

Orchids for Everyone. By C. H. Curtis. (J. M. Dent

and Son. ls. net.)—" For Everyone" must be understood with limita- tions. You cannot grow orchids on a hundred a year; that sum must be multiplied, one might say, ten times before you can begin. Orchids mean glass, and glass means a gar leper, We do not wish to depreciate Mr. Curtis's work. He deals with his subject in a businesslike manner. He divides orchids into two classes: "the most useful," numbering forty-three, and " of lesser value," in which we find sixty-seven. Then come a few pages about " Hardy Orchids." If we can be content with half a dozen varieties, we can do without glass. A most useful book this to those who are so circumstanced that they can make use of it.