1 APRIL 1916, Page 12


[TO THE EDITOR OP TUB " SPCITATOR."] Sra.—It would be interesting to hear from Quakers and other con- scientious objectors the attitude they assume in regard to payment of Income Tax. Income Tax to-day more than ever is a tax to meet fhb urgent claims of vier, and as they object to all forms of combatant

services (and many of them even to non-combatant services) it would be enlightening to hear how they reconcile this attitude with the pay- ment of taxes, and how they emerge from their encounter with the Income Tax authorities. The statements recently made and the excuses offered by conscientious objectors all over the country before the tribunals make pitiable reading, and it is evident these men are cranks who, in many eases, glory in the publicity their perverted views are obtaining The windows of their minds are darkened, and the physical and mental discipline of the drill-sergeant is patently necessary to let in some light. Suppose the New Army became inoculated with their pernicious doctrines, do the conscientious objectors know, ox knowing do they realize, what would happen ? Defeat, utter and complete ; the fall, not gradual but immediate, of our Empire ; the overthrow everywhere of Christianity; the thraldom of that very conscience which these purblind objectors seem so anxious to-day to safeguard and defend. Do these men ever think out their arguments to their logical conclusion, or do they just think them out up to some comfortable half-way house where their mind can rest sheltered and content ? Obviously they take the latter course ; as to go right to the terminus they must foresee that disaster awaits their argumentative attitude and mental outlook. Their position is the negation of all things ; it is the negation of civilization and Christianity ; it is the negation of that sanctity of human life which in their smug self-com- placency they would have us believe is their chief concern to-day. Let them do a little clear thinking; let them—or the drill-sergeant- clear away the mists that befog their minds, and they will see, bathed in a new and glorious light, the high peaks of sacrifice, and responsible citizenship will have a new meaning for them. Meantime I submit that all these men should be disfranchised, for if a fit man refuses to shoulder the liabilities of citizenship he has no right to its assets.—