1 APRIL 1916, Page 13

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—In the interesting paper,

"A Saving Grace," in your issue of March 18th, we are told if we fasted from meat on Fridays, as a nation, we might probably save the country £4,000,000 a month. This is hardly logical. What would be spent on other things instead of meat should be deducted.—! am, Sir, &c., JOSEPHINE M. Newell..

Fisherloa De La Mere House, Wy/ye, Wilts.

liVe admit our omission. Clearly if x is the cost of the meat and y the cost of the substituted fish, cheese, eggs, lentils, beans, nuts, bread, &c., then the saving is not x but x — y. Happily the substitutes are all cheaper than meat, and therefore x — it expressed in money is a great deal less than x.—En. Spectator.]