1 APRIL 1938, Page 43


Sir Enoch Hill's speech to the members of the Halifax Building Society contained, as usual, important reflections on the probable lines of development in the housing industry. In particular, his views on the house versus flat question deserve attention. He concedes that the residential flat in London and in some of the large towns has attractions compared with the individual house. But he does not look upon flat building as a solution to the nation's housing problem, and points out that for more than a century and a half the building society movement has fostered carefully the instinct for home

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ownership. He made a plea to local authorities to confine themselves in the next five or six years to the 430,000 houses and residential flats they would have to build to provide accom- modation for those displaced through slum clearance and over- crowding under the Bill now before Parliament and to leave to private enterprise the provision of small houses under the housing Acts of 1933 '36.

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