1 AUGUST 1835, Page 21

The Germ of Fine Pianoforte - playing. By J. D. RoHLIFFS.

Mr. ROHLFFS, though a resident in England, retains his German ab- horrence of the superficial mode of instruction which prevails too generally in this country. Like all the elementary works of his coun- trymen, this proceeds by slow and cautious steps, "line upon line and precept upon precept." Page after page :s allotted to the develop- ment of the same principle; and, unquestionably, for those who wish to acquire musical knowledge, this is the plan to be pursued. But this is scarcely a desideratum with the majority of our pianoforte-players, whose views seldom extend beyond the power to play a few popular airs which they have previously heard at the Opera-house or the theatre. The sum of musical knowledge necessary to acquire this facility is very scanty, and often does not embrace even the power of distinguishing between the major and minor modes, or the separate intervals in the diatonic scale. To this class of learners Mr. Roiturr's book will be useless; but to those who desire to acquire the power of correct reading as well as of correct fingering, and who wish to combine some musical knowledge with the mechanical power of exercising their fingers on the keys, it will be a valuable source of instruction.