1 AUGUST 1840, Page 7

A short time since, while the sexton of Mothvey, Carmarthen,

was digging a grave about five feet from the surface, he came to a very rich vein of lead ore of the finest quality ; the vein is a very large one.— Welch/natl.

On Monday, a very respectable couple were being married at our parish-church, when at about the middle of the service an old woman -came running in, exclaiming, "Mr. Parson, you shan't marry my son Tins to that there slut. I forbid the banns, Mr. Parson; and if you do marry them after this here notice, I shall commence an action against you for legal damages." The Reverend D. L. Cousins, who was officiating, asked her the reason for wishing to stop the marriage ; when, on looking round, she discovered that the party at the altar was not her "sue Tina" She then bowed to the minister and walked out of the church, still reiterating, ". You shan't marry my son Tim to that there slut." It appears that :talk the old woman was going out of the door, her "son Tim" came in at another with the object of Ins love ; and, having been regularly asked in church, they were married; much to the chagrin of the old lady when she was apprized of the circum- stance.—Chellenham Chronicle.

A disease, which in its symptoms very much resembles influenza, is extensively prevalent among cattle in the neighbourhood of Hereford. One agriculturist in this vicinity has had no fewer than twenty of his flock ill at the same time ; and the consequences are somewhat se- rious, as the milk given by the cows when in that state is altogether useless. It is supposed that the epidemic has been communicated by infection. The animals are affected by a running at the nose, trembling of the body and limbs, and loathing of food.—Herefard Journal.