1 AUGUST 1840, Page 7


We are enabled to state that the rumoured resignation of Lord Ebrington, to which we gave publicity on Thursday last, is not con- sistent with truth.—Dubtiit Moniew. [This is cool

Mr. Richard Franklin, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, was knighted by the Viceroy on Friday last.

A review and field-day attracted great crowds to the Pleenix Park, Dublin, on Monday. Prince George of Cambridge appeared at the bead of his regiment, the Twelfth Lancers ; his senior officer, Colonel Stilwell, having the command of the brigade of cavalry.

It has been determined to send another deputation from the Dublin Corporation, at a large outlay, to London, to resist the passing of the Irish Municipal Reform Bill. The deputation, we understand, is to consist of Mr. Professor Butt, Mr. Ex-Sheriff Quinton, and Mr. John Thompsom—Deblia Ere/tiny Mad, The Repeal meeting in Mayo was held on the' green of Castlebar, on Monday. It was attended by a vast concourse of people, and by several of the gentry and ,Catholic clergy of the county ; Sir Samuel O'Mally presided. Mr. O'Connell was present, and was most warmly received. A new joint-stock bank is announced, under the name of the " Me- tropolitan Bank of Ireland," with a capital of 1,000,000t., in 20,000 shares of 501, each, and a deposit of 5/.

Barley has been cut down this week in Waterford, in good condi- tion.—Limerich Chronicle.

Mr. Lucas, M.P., and his laity, had a providential escape from being killed on Saturday last. While driving on an outside car from Castle Bellingham to Drumm House, one of the wheels Mlle off, and hurled Mrs. Lucas to the ground, but fortunately without much injury. Mr. Lucas held on, and sueeeded in reining up the affrighted horse.

A fatal accident occurred last week in Dublin, to Mr. Charles A. Raley, third son of the late Sir Robert Way Harty : in cutting bread and butter, the Isnife slipped, inflicting a wound that brought on lock- jaw, of which Ile died on Monday.