1 AUGUST 1874, Page 3

Is Sir E. Wilmot a candidate for the vacancy never

quite filled up since Mr. Darby Griffiths' retirement, of the irrelevant:question- after ? Yesterday week he asked the Prime Minister whether, considering the often-expressed wish of the Irish people, the Government would consider the expediency of establishing a Royal residence in that island, "for the purpose of enoouraging occasional visits of members of the Royal Family to that portion of the United Kingdom ?" to which Mr. Disraeli replied, that he is very much in favour of Royal residences, "particularly when -they are inhabited," and that the great interest he takes in Ireland -would make him very much rejoice "if there were Royal residences in that country inhabited by-members of the Royal Family,"—an answer which caused much merriment. An empty cage is no great step towards obtaining your bird-of-paradise.