1 AUGUST 1903, Page 25


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not beet reserved for UMW in other forms.] Passive Resistance Positive Wrong. By Joseph Hammond, LL.D. (Skeffington and Son. 4d.)—Canon Hammond addresses in this little eight-page pamphlet a temperate remonstrance to the persons who are resisting the payment of the Education- rate. Canon Hammond shows that the justification as set forth by the party of resistance rests on misapprehension, that as a matter of fact "the clergy under this Act have much leas control, much less power, than they had before." He also urges the in- controvertible fact that Churchmen have been paying without murmur, or, certainly, without any attempt at resistance, a precisely similar impost. We say "precisely similar " ; but really the case of the Churchman is far stronger. He has had to support schools in which it is forbidden to give religious teaching such as he conceives it,—that is, resting on dogmatic truth ; the Nonconformist has the benefit of a Conscience Clause. What would be precisely equal is that the Churchman should be able to demand Church teaching, and the Nonconformist "nude- nominational" instruction, in the rate-supported schools.