1 AUGUST 1925, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I was sitting in Hyde Park and had just been reading' the admirable paragraphs in the Spectator on the subject of litter. Four noisy little street urchins had, for nearly an hour, been playing a species of football near by and making the concentration necessary for the• enjoyment of your paper somewhat difficult.

Their game finished, imagine my surprise to see them carefully pick up all the paper and litter around their play- • ground and place it in one of the wire baskets at some little distance. I gave them a shilling to buy some sweets. They thanked me nicely and said they had been asked by their school-teacher to clear up litter whenever they saw it. As you rightly remarked, "Improvement can be brought about by continual suggestion."—I am, Sir, &c., O.