1 AUGUST 1931, Page 14

First, a word about the author. He comes from that

stal- wart and not unprosperous country of smallholders, who farm the black land just north of Liverpool, and his name has been associated with the district since the time of King John. He is a farmer himself, as well as landowner ; has been inti- mately connected with the groups of small-holdings about him ; and up to the last election was a member of the agricul- tural group of the Conservative Party in the House of Com- mons. He is still an adviser, or so we may presume, and the preface to his book, contributed by Mr. Neville Chamberlain, makes it plain that his policy is very nearly the same as the party policy, except in regard to protection. He is of the less protectionist section ; and sees salvation in better organization, rather than in tariffs. No more need be said—here at any rate—about the politics of the question ; and it is to be devoutly wished that a really fruitful idea will not be obscured by any political issue.