31 JULY 1941, Page 13


Sm,—One views with alarm the outcome of a rise in the " Plimsoll," as recorded in your issue of July r8th. I have seen steamers still " down to the mark " on arrival at their port of discharge, and have comforted myself with the reflection that some special circum- stance had necessitated a relaxation of the regulation. It would seem, however, that the practice of overloading is becoming general and that a further deadly peril is thereby added to those now endured by our men of the Merchant Navy. Is this a fair war-risk? and will it be accepted without question as another call on the Service? I know of many cases where consideration for those in the Merchant Navy is lacking, and am forced to the conclusion that the printed and spoken eulogies on the gallantry, endurance and willing service of these men are, in the main, merely lip-service.—Yours faithfully,

"Ornzesby," Bromborough, Wirral. F. STEVENSON JONES.